Wilmington’s Mayoral Town Hall. Give it a listen if you’re interested in the City’s immediate future.
Rethugs Throw Hatch Act Out With The Trash. The normalization of autocracy is here. Trump loves this lawlessness, and he successfully exploits it. He will use every tool. Don’t mean to scare anybody, but 538 gives Trump a 3 in 10 chance of winning. Too close for comfort. I’m anything but comfortable. Gettin’ 2016 vibes…can we at least once not choose the ‘safe’ candidate who is anything but?
Trump’s Mysterious $50 Million Loan To Himself. It’s almost impossible that this isn’t blatantly corrupt.
Will Nursing Home Residents Be Able To Vote In November? Doubtful. You can be sure that Trump will guarantee that seniors in largely-D areas will especially lose their rights. I don’t generally see myself as paranoid, but I sure am right now. Alby, talk me down.
Fed Set To Argue For Higher Inflation? Could this be an end to the ‘Don’t fight the Fed’ stock rally?
Hillary To Biden: Don’t Concede. I totally agree. Remember when Comcast’s Ed Rendell, who inexplicably was the DNC Chair, pushed Al Gore to concede even before those Florida ballots were recounted? I do.
What do you want to talk about?