DL Open Thread: Weds., August 26, 2020
Wilmington’s Mayoral Town Hall. Give it a listen if you’re interested in the City’s immediate future.
Rethugs Throw Hatch Act Out With The Trash. The normalization of autocracy is here. Trump loves this lawlessness, and he successfully exploits it. He will use every tool. Don’t mean to scare anybody, but 538 gives Trump a 3 in 10 chance of winning. Too close for comfort. I’m anything but comfortable. Gettin’ 2016 vibes…can we at least once not choose the ‘safe’ candidate who is anything but?
Trump’s Mysterious $50 Million Loan To Himself. It’s almost impossible that this isn’t blatantly corrupt.
Will Nursing Home Residents Be Able To Vote In November? Doubtful. You can be sure that Trump will guarantee that seniors in largely-D areas will especially lose their rights. I don’t generally see myself as paranoid, but I sure am right now. Alby, talk me down.
Fed Set To Argue For Higher Inflation? Could this be an end to the ‘Don’t fight the Fed’ stock rally?
Hillary To Biden: Don’t Concede. I totally agree. Remember when Comcast’s Ed Rendell, who inexplicably was the DNC Chair, pushed Al Gore to concede even before those Florida ballots were recounted? I do.
What do you want to talk about?
“Rethugs Throw Hatch Act Out With The Trash.”
Be prepared. He isn’t “going to try and steal the election” He is doing it as we speak.
A nice brief interview with Jess Scarane by Delaware Public Media.
I am proud to endorse Jess Scarane for U.S. Senate.
As an elected official, who has served seven terms, I am often asked for my opinion of different candidates vying for elected office. It would be presumptuous of me to try to define the sincerity of an individual candidate’s intentions or motives for attaining office or the ideals that motivate them. However, it is logical for me to examine the historical record of elected officials’ performances and positions and let the public know my appreciations or concerns.
Jess Scarane has demonstrated a commitment to putting the public interest above the special interests of the most powerful influencers who currently dominate the American government landscape.
“Jess Scarane’s total support for the American working families is evidenced in her uncompromising support for a $15 per hour federal minimum wage, a repeal of Taft Hartley, and refusal to accept all corporate PAC money. We need a Senator who will support working families, not a Senator who has spoken out against a $15 minimum wage.”
Jess Scarane’s belief that healthcare is a human right and she supports a “Medicare for All” policy that would dramatically lower health insurance costs and allow more families access to health care. We need a Senator who believes in healthcare for all and not a Senator who opposes Medicare for all.
One of the consistent drivers of excessive healthcare costs has been the greedy, monopolistic pharmaceutical industries’ position to squeeze excess profits from the public and the small businesses.
Jess Scarane won’t take a dime of PAC money from the pharmaceutical industry. We need a Senator who will refuse money from Big Pharma that’s intended to influence her decisions and not a Senator who consistently ranks among the top recipients of pharmaceutical money in the Senate.
Jess Scarane understands that climate change is a global crisis, and that we must act aggressively. She supports a Green New Deal to remake our energy system & infrastructure with the goal of divesting from fossil fuels by 2030.
I have always believed that the needs of the people should be paramount in all the decisions that elected public servants make. I believe that the public’s voice must be heard and listened to. I believe that it must be amplified not just echoed. I believe the publics’ needs must be fulfilled not just acknowledged by all elected public servants. I believe that in Delaware and throughout America the preservation of the “status quo” has caused a rapid deterioration in serving the public needs. I believe that the “status quo” must be challenged, changed and in some cases dismantled.
These are the issues of the highest importance to the public’s welfare and these are the reasons that I am endorsing Jess Scarane in the Democratic primary for Delaware’s U.S. Senate seat.
I am urging all workers, their families, Delaware’s small business communities and every individual who is struggling to vote for Jess Scarane on September 15th.
It is time to cast aside the special interests that wield almost all of the influence in America and Delaware. It is time to close the doors to the obscenely wealthy corporations and other special interests that have unfettered access to our elected officials. It is time to change the cycle of maintaining the status quo which serves the special interest and hurts the least powerful among us.
It is time to get out and vote for Jess Scarane. It is time to elect Jess Scarane as our next U.S. Senator.
Representative John Kowalko (25th District Newark)
I watched the Mayor’s Debate last night. I thought Justen started out good but then he got mean toward the end. The Mayor made some good points on some subjects. Velda was answering questions but didn’t make much sense and you can tell she was struggling to answer some questions. My money is on the Mayor.
Shooting in Kenosha Wis. The sheriff told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that armed vigilantes had been patrolling Kenosha’s streets in recent nights, but he did not know if the gunman was among them. However, video taken before the shooting shows police tossing bottled water from an armored vehicle to what appear to be armed civilians walking the streets. And one of them appears to be the gunman.
“We appreciate you being here,” an officer is heard saying to the group over a loudspeaker.
The sheriff later defended officers by saying, “Our deputies would toss water to anybody.”
Yeah except the water bottles they toss to the BLM protesters are full of pepper spray. Certainly the “brownshirts” in Nazi Germany appreciated many of the corroborators who were there during their reign of terror.
Representative John Kowalko
You’re a crazy old man. Please retire.
Still missing you some Adolph huh? Does your cult consider “(P)Resident Evil” as a worthy successor or do you acolytes of the Orange Peel view him like one of those blow-up sex/dictator dolls? You are a wild and crazy group of “vigilant” loonies. Do you sleep with your gun or your blow-up doll?
Representative John Kowalko
@notasocialist (among other nyms): Saying the same thing over and over without being interesting will get you banned. Keep it up and see.