They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. I fortunately will not be writing that many. But these pictures demonstrate blatant campaign violations by Mike Ramone. A political campaign pavilion at a public event. These pictures are (a) from a public event to demonstrate the new voting machines, and (b) are taken right outside a public school and on public property. Skyline Middle School, to be specific:
What’s he gonna do? Plead ignorance of the law? He’s done that before. This is about as blatant a campaign violation as you can get. The Department of Elections has a history of doing nothing. But what about the Attorney General? Here’s the evidence. If I’m Stephanie Barry, I’m on the phone to the AG ASAP: ‘It’s up to you, Ms. Jennings’. Oh, and to the voters, who have it in their power to retire one of Dover’s slimiest.