Mike Ramone Blatantly Violates Election Law. Will Anybody Take Action?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 3, 2020

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words. I fortunately will not be writing that many.  But these pictures demonstrate blatant campaign violations by Mike Ramone. A political campaign pavilion at a public event.  These pictures are (a) from a public event to demonstrate the new voting machines, and (b) are taken right outside a public school and on public property. Skyline Middle School, to be specific:

What’s he gonna do? Plead ignorance of the law? He’s done that before.  This is about as blatant a campaign violation as you can get.  The Department of Elections has a history of doing nothing.  But what about the Attorney General?  Here’s the evidence. If I’m Stephanie Barry, I’m on the phone to the AG ASAP: ‘It’s up to you, Ms. Jennings’. Oh, and to the voters, who have it in their power to retire one of Dover’s slimiest.

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  1. thebigham says:

    Not mention he’s been using his official GA Facebook account to throw in yard sign plugs during his weekly update vlog.

    30 sec mark

    Did I mention that he is hosting the Elections Commissioner tonight for a VBM zoom roundtable?

  2. I’m serious. Someone from Barry’s campaign or, perhaps, the Delaware Democratic Party, must file a complaint with the AG.

  3. Beach (Kennedy Comer) says:

    No (answering the question in the headline).

  4. Nancy Willing says:

    ACLU just sued Albence and Dept. as the law allows mailed ballots to go uncounted even if they are stamped on the day of the election.

    I am on the zoom call and asked the question in the chat for him to discuss their policy. He must know by now that a suit has been filed.

    • Nancy, this Albence. Is he an aparatchik, or someone with more of an agenda? My sense is aparatchik, but I don’t know.

      • Nancy Willing says:

        He comes off as a total stooge. Lip service city. I could barely handle listening to the meeting last night so I am not sure if they addressed the ACLU concern. It didn’t appear to come up.

        I also didn’t hear the number that is being floated to keep the polls open they need over 4 thousand workers. There was no urgency about that that I could tell.

        And it appears they are going to be fine letting ballots go uncounted.

        The process is that you have to check for receipt of it if you mailed it and if you are pretty sure the ballot is not in the hands of the dept. on the day of the election, you can go to the poll and ask a worker to check, act to void your mailed ballot, then let you vote. Also mentioned something about holding up other people in line…..

        So if there are very many people in this situation, there is going to be a mess because it didn’t appear that there’d be a whole lot of staff to do this.

        ACLU wants a gurantee that every ballot stamped by or on election day must be counted. So there must be a policy that those ballots won’t be counted or there’d be no case.

  5. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ says:

    In case you were wondering about DOE enforcement: Albence was the DOE rep physically at this event to demonstrate the voting machines.

  6. Kjames says:

    Wow, is this all you got? For Representative Ramone who has been busting his ASS for the good of the community, helping small businesses, PPE to first responders and hospitals, help guiding policy to reopen schools safely, working with the Governor to safely reopen businesses to get us all back on our feet…. One hopes you are contributing to our community like this public servant. If not, maybe you should fold you petty tent and go home (or stay home where you can safely bitch and moan about what wrong in your world). I have always found getting out and making a difference makes you a much happier person. Might want to try it.

    PS What do we hear from Berry’s campaign in the way of community outreach and support? Crickets!

    • John Kowalko says:

      I’m not going to dwell on the legality or illegality, ethical or unethical behavior of Ramone’s campaign but don’t dare to talk about his “busting his ass for the good of the community” In fact his “help for the business community” (that he is a member of) comes at the expense of working men and women. He opposed the minimum wage increase and authored a version that set a substandard minimum wage for “youth” wages and “training” wages. Both of these exceptions belie the reality that those victims of such a discriminatory law work as hard and as long as their colleagues and are paid less. This horrible lack of empathy for ALL struggling minimum wage workers was a product of a Republican extortion plot that was not confronted and challenged by Democrat leadership once again displaying an inexcusable lack of political courage and resolve. The Republican leadership and “all” of its members threatened to not vote for the Bond Bill (3/4 vote requirement) if the minimum wage bill was presented in its original form passed by the House. My advice to and expectation of Democrat leadership was that we call their bluff and stay in session while passing the unadulterated wage bill. That advice was rejected so I voted against the Ramone bill. But the basic question remains unanswered. Who benefits the most from sacrificing the earnings of “youths” or “trainees”? Are the benefits weighted toward small businesses, large businesses or special interests? I know who’s paying for those benefits and so should you.
      Representative John Kowalko

  7. kjames says:

    PS, just confirmed with an election law expert here in Delaware…. no illegality. May be why the Berry campaign hasn’t acted on your deeply counciled advise. -Double ughh