DL Open Thread: Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 8, 2020

RWNJ’s Head To Oregon To Foment Violence.  The President has given them every dog whistle imaginable.  He wants chaos.

How The Trump Campaign Pissed Away Their Billion Dollar Advantage.  When you’ve got grifters running the campaign of a grifter, this is the result. That Brad Parscale learned from the feet of his master.

Looks Like DeJoy Violated North Carolina Law, Too.  No pardon, no Bill Barr, can protect him there. Here’s the background on the story.  Seems like EVERYONE is looking for DeJoy:

Trump Weighs Putting $100 Mill Of His Own Money In The Race.  My bold prediction: He, um, won’t do it.

Drug Companies Promise: ‘We Will Not Rush Vaccine To Market’.  No October surprise for Trump.  Only Trump could turn all of America into anti-vaxxers.

Exxon On The Ropes?  Yes.  They’ve been kicked out of the Dow, and they’re hemorrhaging money. 

Politico Lays Out The Week.  A great preview, including a report that Trump will announce his Supreme Court choices as early as tomorrow.

Coons Vs. Scarane: Survey From Delaware State News.  Good stuff. Read it.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Trump doesn’t have $100 million, so he won’t be putting it into his campaign.

    Also, too — does Trump really think that a list of SCOTUS justices will actually accomplish anything? Do potential justices have cheering sections or something? And could conservatives read the names anyway?

    • ben says:

      it’s to get the donations flowing.
      The wealthy conservatives know the way to keep long term power is to take over the judiciary. If the november coup DOESNT work, they can rest easy knowing they will control almost 1/4 of all federal courts including the SCOTUS. if trump wins… or rather, is able to keep being president “somehow” they have a real shot at 2 more. Not to mention untold gains in lower courts thanks to dems like Manchin and Coons.
      It wont matter if AOC becomes president with Speaker Omar and Senate Leader Presley, every single progressive law will be struck down by magat judges. THATS the point of the list of candidates.
      Will it work? maybe to get money. the billionaires dont consider anything more than a few million actual money…. especially if it is meant to hurt the reast of the country. Ya cant put a price on flexin economic power. … i mean, you DID ask.

      • Alby says:

        No, my point was that who cares what the names are? Nobody outside the Federalist Society knows or cares, and this just gives Democrats more time to mount opposition to particular individuals.

        • ben says:

          oh for sure. I DO think however, that trump’s base cares about what he tells them to care about. He could say he’s appointing Lev Parans to the bench, that fucking potato would become a right wing hero overnight.

          • Alby says:

            Agreed. Why, he could tell them to drink bleach and they would do it, as they have proved. Republicans would defend it by pointing to the jobs created at Poison Control centers.

  2. Alby says:

    Comedian Greg Larsen challenged people on his Twitter feed to name literally any villain in history — Larsen would defend that villain using “conservative logic.”

    Example: Wile E. Coyote. Larsen’s response: “Convenient that the footage starts on Wile E Coyote but we don’t see what Roadrunner was doing before hand. So this violent antifa roadrunner could be speeding around, looking for trouble and violence and the footage starts right when the Coyote is defending himself.”

    Well worth the read, not just for the chuckles but for a roundup of every lame conservative argument point you’ve ever seen on the interwebs:


  3. Mitch Crane says:

    People in Trump’s base who care that much about Supreme Court justices, are already committed to voting for him. They can’t, yet, vote more than once. The tactic of naming potential justices worked in 2016 because what is now the Trump base, needed to be convinced he was “real”.

  4. RSE says:


    Super popular band playing in Bridgeville Delaware a couple days ago…. Thousands of people attended….Looks like there might be another spread of the COVID downstate…This event was heavily advertised and the State knew it was happening….Why didn’t Governor Carney stop this?