Shady is as Shady Does

Filed in National by on September 8, 2020

Get off your goddam high horse Beau and maybe… I don’t know… try playing by the rules?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSE says:

    There does seem to be a lack of integrity with that guy Beau Zebley.

  2. Fern says:

    The DAR is a corrupt, anti-environmental group. The state house and senate should repeal hb235 they day they come back into session to restore the revenue they wrongly stripped from our towns and to show DAR that they aren’t above the law and their days of fatted privilege are over.

    Did you know that real estate sales were declared essential during COVID? Does that make sense to anyone?

    Something here stinks.

  3. Where's Beau? says:

    Where’s Beau now that the shit is getting real? I guess it’s hard to make veiled threats of legal action over calling DAR “shady” when DAR is breaking the law.

  4. The DAR’s ‘Strengthening Our Communities’ PAC just dumped shit-tons into the campaigns of McBride, Viola, Gerald Brady, and Bruce Ennis.

  5. This Pac, which not only is clearly associated with the realtors, but shares the same address with the realtors, just dumped $8000 into Dave McBride’s campaign to go along with $10,000 it had already dumped there.

    Yo, Beau, you LIED to us.

  6. More from the Strengthening Our Communities Pac:

    $3774 to John Viola

    $6793 to Gerald Brady

    $7927 to Bruce Ennis.

    These are NEW contributions. Can someone tell me how this is even legal? If it is, it shouldn’t be. When you look at the names, I see organized labor, not particularly the realtors. What’s Brian McGlinchey been up to?

  7. jason330 says:

    I guess we are witnessing an attempt to put together “the dumb old fuckers who do whatever we tell them to do” caucus.