DL Open Thread: Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 9, 2020

How A Small Coterie Of Rethug Lawyers Built The Phony ‘Voter Fraud’ Meme.  What’s ‘fake’ is real, and what’s ‘real’ is fake:

Lisa Graves, a former deputy assistant attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), said it’s no coincidence that toughened voting requirements and purges tend to fall heaviest on minorities and students, groups that are more itinerant, less likely to have official ID documents, and which tend to vote Democratic.

Republican claims of voter fraud are “not about facts,” said Graves, who now works with several progressive watchdog groups. “It’s about structural changes that make it harder for people to vote – people they don’t want to vote.”

Trump Spreads Virus In North Carolina.  May all his rallies be unmasked. In Iowa, the Rethug governor refuses to do anything to curb one of the country’s largest outbreaks.  I’d like to see some polling from that state, especially with (possibly) a competitive US Senate race under way,

Barr To Defend Trump–In Rape Case??  Barr’s legalistic contortions are in Rose Mary Woods territory.  According to Barr, Trump was somehow functioning as President when he called E. Jean Carroll’s rape accusations a lie. Meaning, all of us will pay for Trump’s defense against defamation.

Killer SUV’s.  How the automakers created a market for one of the worst causes of pollution–especially, of course, in the US.

County Council Members Blister FOP Endorsement Of Trump.  Jea Street has become my favorite go-to official on the police:

“Initially I was angry, but not surprised because it’s absolutely consistent with the response I got from leadership at the time in the police department on August 9, 2012, when a young man was shot in the back of the head by one of our police officers, and the response I got was: ‘All I can tell you is it ain’t a good day to mess with a county cop,'” said Street.

But Street said he’s actually glad the FOP came out.

“Let’s be crystal clear, it’s not just the county police, state police, Wilmington Police, Delaware River & Bay Authority–well I’m glad–because this administration has brought the die-hard, dedicated racists out of the woodwork, and the FOP that signed off on this has made it crystal clear now who they stand with and how they stand, and they make it crystal clear that they want to continue their business as usual, that they’re going to continue to fight police reform efforts…now it’s exposed, it’s crystal clear.”

Yes, they will continue to fight police reform efforts and, as Street has said before about the General Assembly, “The cops run the place.”  That must change.

Trump Campaign Says It Will Pay To Replace Destroyed White House Lawn.  Do you believe them?  I want to see the receipts.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Barr To Defend Trump–In Rape Case??”

    Is it time to act yet all you “moderate” and “reasonable” republicans? Is it time to say anything yet Anthony Delcollo? At long last, is it time to break with the GOP Chris Coons?

  2. TheflipPsyD says:

    Hi — I’ve lurked here for many years, but have never commented. I just received a weird phone call and thought maybe someone here might know about what was said on the call. It was a campaigning call from something with Public Integrity in the name (it was said so quickly, I didn’t catch it). The call was about Poppiti (and his family) being involved in a number of unethical practices, including taking funneling money/business to himself and his family from his registrar of the wills position. It was a very quick phone call and a lot was said in maybe 20 seconds top. I had not heard of any ethical issues with him prior to this phone call. Thanks for you help

    • I know his dad better than I know Ciro. His father has all the integrity in the world. My parents and we trusted him implicitly, and he always justified that trust.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    I’ve seen this mentioned in my FB feed and I have gotten ROBO calls from KHN. KHN is a true box of Chocolates! She drove me to Vote for Ciro for the first time in his quests for higher office!

  4. Mitch Crane says:

    I have known both Poppiti and Hartley-Nagle for years. I worked with her at the DOI when Karen Weldon Stewart brought her in as a hourly worker. We got along well and worked on some projects together. When I ran for Insurance Commissioner, she helped me. Karen and I have remained in touch in the 8 years since.

    I have known Ciro since I got involved in Delaware Politics. He was, and is, always polite and gracious. When I ran for IC in 2012, he also supported me. A few years ago when Rent Justification was enacted, I was the Chair of the Delaware Manufactured Home Relocation Authority. We had a list of attorneys qualified and willing to sit as arbitrators in rent disputes. Ciro was appointed to arbitrate the first major case. I sat through that two=day hearing to observe. Ciro handled a controversial and sometimes emotional hearing with humor, respect for all and wrote a strong and detailed opinion. It was upheld when appealed.

    I believe I know Ciro Poppiti well enough to state that there is not an unethical bone in his body. He is, as are other members of his family, an intelligent and dedicated professional. He takes his Oath of Office seriously, as he takes the Oath he raised his right hand for when he became a member of the Bar.

    I hope the Democratic voters of New Castle County decide who among the three candidates is best qualified; has views on what a council president should do and which candidate can best do that job. I lost that 2012 Primary largely because of the type of unsubstantiated and untraceable slanders Mr. Poppiti is now the victim of.

  5. Joe Connor says:

    I voted for Ciro last week. KHN is my likely suspect for the ROBO attack as her record of Spreading chaos is long.
    And congrats to Mitch on the 8th anniversary of blaming others for his loss;).