DL Open Thread: Thursday, September 10, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 10, 2020

Yep. Trump Lied About Covid. Admitted It. Knows He’s Screwed.  It’s pointless to mention the inhumanity and hypocrisy of his comments. What’s important is that he can’t change the subject from his criminal mismanagement of this public health crisis.  Guess who Fox News blames…Lindsey Graham, for allegedly brokering the interviews.  There’s even a kernel of truth in it.  I have no problem with SC mouthbreathers turning against Graham, none whatsoever.

Cali And Oregon Are Burning.  Can’t the candidates at least talk about climate change?  Can’t Kamala at least visit her home state to call attention to how a Biden Administration would prioritize addressing the climate crisis?  Maybe meet with Jay Inslee and talk about their plans?  This ‘seven state’ Electoral College campaign sucks.  There are 50 states and DC, after all.

Whistleblower: Officials Demanded That Russian Election Threat Be (That Word Again) Downplayed.  To, you know, match Trump’s public statements.

“Bill Barr Says Insulting A Rape Accuser Was Part Of Trump’s Official Duties”.  In order to try to justify his use of the Justice Department to defend Trump.  In any other administration…

Trump Registration Surges In PaReligious Voters Moving Toward Biden.  Bad news/good news from Politico.

More Stoopid Wilmington Political Trix.  Ethics complaint filed against Vash Turner.  The voters can rid themselves (at least temporarily) from the Potter miscreants.  By voting against both Potters, Trippi Congo, Vash Turner and Sam Guy. 

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Got an email today from MoveOn, asking me to tell Chris Coons to return the $2,500 he took from the national Fraternal Order of Police.

  2. Nancy Willing says:

    For those who think Meyer is some kind of spotless pol –

    Meyer muffed up the COVID money so badly it is almost looking deliberate – he was either corrupt and holding the money to spend it in trade for favors or too dumb to understand that Delaware’s counties are unlike most other states in that the state agencies do most of the heavy lifting on expenditures related to COVID and need that money. He refused to acknowledge for the past 6 months that the county needed to share this money – The NCC’s $322 milllion share is being dribbled out to partner with state initiatives while Meyer is sitting on the majority of it (Listen to Aug 25 NCCC Exec. Cmte): “Updated: Council Already Rebuffed Matt Meyer’s $237 Million “Blank Check” CARES ACT Funds Ask; Will They Reject Ord. 20-094 Tonight?”

    Meyer was too dumb to understand that an Election Cycle is not annual but actually tracks from election to election. He scrambled to delete overpayments by the thousands the day after my first post describing all of this in detail. And a complaint was filed which the Dept. of Elections didn’t acknowlede but he sure got the message.

    And Meyer has several fairly serious pay to play issues out there and exactly why the COVID cash expenditures DEMANDED council properly exert its oversight. George Smiley was forced to put a patch on Ord. 20-094 – Meyer’s $190,000,000.00 free-rein ask (see above).

    Pay to Play in a bad way – (another post will be forthcoming on Meyer, Alan Levin, Amazon, the NCC Airport and which out of state donors are in play):
    Chemours/DuPont Max Checks To Matt Meyer As NCC Permit Filed; La Grange Residents Suffer Through 3 Years Of Cover Up?

    You aren’t seeing any of this in main stream media or on the blogs besides mine. At least none of this blogging is invented.

    • Thank you for trolling for views. I wish you well.

      • Nancy Willing says:

        heh, I wish you would read it not for my benefit but for yours. SMH

        I don’t need readers per se as these posts are getting thousands of hits each. So educate yourself. To call me a troll in this instance tells your readers more about you than I.

        • Heh, after reading you for 12 years defending Tom Gordon and denying that he ever did anything wrong, then seeing you transition into getting a paycheck from him, there is really nothing you can teach me or anybody as to your ‘objectivity’.

          Troll or shill. Feel free to label yourself. Your ‘resume’ is already out there for Maggie Jones’ handlers to see.