DL Open Thread: Friday, September 11, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 11, 2020

Trump Cuts Back On TV Ads–Rethugs Worry. Y’know, if Trump were to throw in some of his fictitious billions, they’d have no problem.

California Fires Reflect Immediate Need To Address Climate Change.  BTW, has anybody seen any sign of the Federal government helping out? I haven’t. 10% of Oregon residents must evacuate.

Court Blocks Trump Scheme To Exclude Immigrants From Census Count. The courts are like the firefighters out west–putting one out here while others pop up elsewhere.  Such is the nature of the complete corruption of this regime.  Here’s another example.

Could Former Felons Swing The Vote In 2020?  I think so.  States like North Carolina and Iowa could be influenced. And, of course, Florida, depending on how all the litigation works out.

D’s Killing It In Early Mail Ballots.  Every bad news day for Trump and every day w/o ads just builds this advantage for the D’s.

Big Pharma Fights Price Controls.  More stealth moves to lock in huge profits. Read about their sneaky tactics in this excellent piece.

Delaware AG Sues Fossil Fuel Industry.  She is the only Delaware official who has not been compromised by the Delaware Way.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “(Jennings) is the only Delaware official who has not been compromised by the Delaware Way”

    Maybe, but the decision to prosecute the MAGA hat women as a hate crime was needless pandering.

  2. Alby says:

    The anniversary of 9/11 reminds me of my favorite example of Mooslim panic in its aftermath: The town council of Lewes debated how tall a chain-link fence to install around the town y676water tower to prevent terrorist sabotage. They were dead serious.

    Now think about it for a moment: How low on the ISIS totem poll do you have to be to get the assignment to sabotage the Lewes water tower? How many other targets would they have to hit before “Lewes water tower” appeared on the priority list?

  3. John Kowalko says:

    I am personally boycotting all Rite-Aid/Walgreen stores and I urge all of you to do the same. Rite-Aid corporate fired the shift manager at their York Pa. store because she had the audacity to challenge one of those Trump cultists, anti-mask wearing, low IQ Neanderthals that make up a large portion of York. She offered him a store supplied mask and he not only refused but chose to verbally assault her with your typical mental midget bullying. “I don’t need a f—–g face mask” whereupon she asked him to leave the premises. He threatened her with physical harm if she called the police and proceeded to shove her into the magazine rack. At this point she pulled a pocket knife and can of pepper spray out pointing them at her attacker causing him to leave the store, breaking two front windows. The police arrived about 30 minutes after the man left and took a report. Probably delayed because it wasn’t a MAGA hat being tossed or one of those BLM looters or didn’t want their coffees to get cold at Dunkin. Whatever the excuse the bottom line is that Rite-Aid corporate headquarters in Camp Hill ordered her fired. Fired this 40 yr. old mother from her 41/2 year, $11 hr. job for defending herself and trying to enforce state mandated face-mask policies
    “EFF” Rite-Aid, “EFF” their HR department, “EFF” their policies, “EFF” their attitudes toward working people.
    Representative John Kowalko

    • Alby says:

      Rite-Aid and Walgreen’s are different corporations.

      • John Kowalko says:

        Although Rite Aid shareholders approved a merger deal with Walgreens in 2016, the two companies abandoned talks in 2017. Instead of the merger, Walgreens and Rite Aid agreed to a $4.3 billion deal for Walgreens to buy 1,932 Rite Aid stores and three distribution centers. Same same to me Al. Corporate marriages are just as incestuously yearning as Trump for Ivanka and Jared for a soul.
        John Kowalko

        • Alby says:

          But they remain separate corporations, with separate policies and boards of directors. I dislike Walgreen’s for other reasons — I can’t stand buyer-loyalty programs — but if you’re going to boycott a company I think you ought to at least boycott the right company. YMMV.

  4. Alby says:

    Got another Maggie Jones mailer today. You know what scandal involving county employees she doesn’t blame on Meyer?

    The county cop who got away with sexual harassment for decades. I wonder why she would play up a couple of complaints filed in the past two months instead of a police scandal that went on for this guy’s entire career. I wonder…

  5. Arthur says:

    Has anyone else seen the signs for the really freaky and scary looking woman? I have no idea what her name is besides Catherine but her picture scares the hell out of me