Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, September 11, 2020

Trump Cuts Back On TV Ads–Rethugs Worry. Y’know, if Trump were to throw in some of his fictitious billions, they’d have no problem.

California Fires Reflect Immediate Need To Address Climate Change.  BTW, has anybody seen any sign of the Federal government helping out? I haven’t. 10% of Oregon residents must evacuate.

Court Blocks Trump Scheme To Exclude Immigrants From Census Count. The courts are like the firefighters out west–putting one out here while others pop up elsewhere.  Such is the nature of the complete corruption of this regime.  Here’s another example.

Could Former Felons Swing The Vote In 2020?  I think so.  States like North Carolina and Iowa could be influenced. And, of course, Florida, depending on how all the litigation works out.

D’s Killing It In Early Mail Ballots.  Every bad news day for Trump and every day w/o ads just builds this advantage for the D’s.

Big Pharma Fights Price Controls.  More stealth moves to lock in huge profits. Read about their sneaky tactics in this excellent piece.

Delaware AG Sues Fossil Fuel Industry.  She is the only Delaware official who has not been compromised by the Delaware Way.

What do you want to talk about?

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