Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sanders Raises Concerns About Biden Campaign.  He’s right, of course.  Could the Biden campaign at least demonstrate that they’re not taking progressive voters for granted?  I have visions of Goldman Sachs execs polishing up their resumes.

Bloomberg To Dump $100 Mill In Florida For Biden.  Mostly in digital ads in Spanish and English.  Wouldn’t hurt for him to pay off the ‘debts’ of some of these felons so that they can vote.

QAnon Website Operator Outed, Site Shut Down.  Hopefully, unemployment will soon follow.

Postmaster General Sends Out Confusing Post Card To–Everybody.  He wouldn’t allow state officials to review postcard before sending it out.

RWNJ’s, Russia, Push Meme That Antifa Is Behind West Coast Fires.  Trump will do nothing to counteract that false meme.

Could Mormons Help Biden In Swing States Like Arizona And Nevada?  It’s possible, and both sides are actively courting them.

BTW, finally caught ’20 Feet From Stardom’ last night.  If you love great music, and the background singers who made it great, you’ll love it (and find still more reason to hate Phil Spector). It’s on Netflix thru September.

What do you want to talk about?

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