Getting Hyper-Local to Help Elect More and Better Dems

Filed in National by on September 13, 2020

Studies show that nothing beats face to face interaction for influencing voters. While that is out these day, friends and neighbors have an inside track when it comes to getting a message out – particularly when it comes to getting the message out about insurgent primary campaigns.

That’s why I got the “Vote Builder” list for Dems in my neighborhood who voted in primaries and put together this little door hanger including a little note from me. They are going out to 88 neighbors today and tomorrow.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    FWIW – This is how I made my neighborhood door hanger out of campaign lit from candidates I support:

    1) Stack up some campaign lit and add your little note* to the top of the pile.
    2) Hole Punch the stack
    3) Loop a rubber band through the hole then back on itself.
    4) Hang that bad boy on the front door knob of Dem voters in your neighborhood.

    *my note is short and sweet.

    “Hi Neighbor!

    As a fellow proud Democrat, I wanted to share some information with you about some candidates I’m supporting in the September 15th primary.

    Each is running against a career politician who has lost touch with core Democratic values. Thanks for considering these candidates and if you would like more information about any of them, please fee free to contact me at (My email address). And whoever you decide to support in the primary, please remember to VOTE BLUE in November. Sincerely etc.”

    I included my address and close with “This was not paid for by any candidate or campaign. It is just me trying to help out some very worthy candidates.”

  2. That is incredible!

  3. Joe Connor says:

    My 69 year old ass has dropped over 1500 pieces of Lit for Marie Pinkney with about half of the stops including Jess Scarane Lit. I did not seek voter contact for safety reasons but a lot happened organically from a distance. Lit in the door or on the porch is a strong statement and I am feeling the momentum.
    Speaking of Momentum Randall Chase our state AP political reporter dropped this story this morning. Its in a lot of publications today, here it is from DC.

  4. This is the kind of organizing/govt i was trained in decades ago and all the research I read, including the New Haven Study from Acorn and Alinsky style outreach confirms neighbor to neighbor is way better than the likes of phone banks of stranger to stranger. Delaware has the ED’s in place for this personal approach but is sadly undeveloped are are also really good social media lists for us to use at this neighborhood level. Great work.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    Where / how do you get that VoteBuilder list?