DL Open Thread: Monday, Sept. 14, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on September 14, 2020

Yo, Biden And Harris: Get Your Asses Out To the Pacific Northwest.  Have the governors of Cali, Oregon and Washington there.  Draw a line in the sand and say that these fires demonstrate that global warming is real, that this is the most urgent problem facing us, that you will reverse every one of Trump’s anti-environmental policies and appointments, and that you will appoint a Climate Czar to address this existential crisis.  Jeezus H. Christ. If that’s too much to ask then drop out and cede the election to Trump. If you don’t stand for fighting climate change, what do you stand for? This campaign gets more Clintonesque all the time. And, Joe? Woody Allen once said something like ‘90% of success is showing up’. Could you, you know, show up someplace?  In fairness, Biden is scheduled to say something…from Wilmington. Delaware.  Trump’s right. He is low energy.

Trump’s Headed To Cali.  He no doubt will blame the lack of leaf-raking, or something equally doltish.  The D’s should be out there to counter his idiotic message. But apparently there’s a persuadable Cuban-American in Dade County.  Priorities, pipples.  Speaking of which...  While we’re at it, is everyone else getting a zillion messages to donate to this campaign? Like, ten a day? Minimum?  Gee, I’ve already missed my chance to ‘meet Kamala and Hillary’.  Enough is enough.  I think I hate this campaign.

Progressive Donor To Give $200 Million To Racial Justice Groups.  It looks like she’s really thought through this, and that this money will have a real impact.

Nevada Governor Blasts Trump For Rally.  “He doesn’t think the rules apply to him.” Well, if you, as Governor, don’t shut down the event, then the rules don’t apply to him.  Feckless Democrats.

One Reason Florida Latinos Are Moving Towards Trump?  They’re being inundated with relentless conspiracy theory crap.  Gee, I wonder if Russia is involved? A must-read,  just so you know what’s going on.

Boris Johnson Tries To ‘Pull A Trump’:

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will try to persuade rebellious lawmakers in his party to vote on Monday for a bill that will break international law by breaching parts of the Brexit divorce deal and which has enraged Brussels.

Johnson’s plan to explicitly break international law has plunged Brexit back into crisis less than four months before Britain is finally due to leave the EU’s orbit at the end of a transition period, and put trade talks with the bloc in peril.

I guess Johnson can’t simply sign an Executive Order in the UK.  Trump approves in 3-2-1…

BTW, Eagles suck.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. meatball says:

    Ha, Ha I get more texts from Joe and the gang than from my real friends. I was reading some out loud to my bride last night, pretty funny.

  2. puck says:

    I do not want to see Biden or Harris in CA or OR standing in front of someone’s charred home and haranguing people about climate change and how awful Trump is. Instead let them go to evacuation centers, talk to refugees, show some empathy, and pledge competent relief.

    Pledge to bring America back into the Paris accords, sure, but for chrissake don’t use the fires as just another chance to slag Trump. The fire conditions were already in place before Trump.

    I am haunted by Hillary’s 2016 commercial, which seemed to be running incessantly, showing Trump mocking that disabled reporter. Wasted opportunity to run on something positive.

  3. Andrew C says:


    A nice write-up from Vox on Delaware’s primaries: “Delaware might be the First State, but it has the last-in-the-nation primary.”