Jason330’s Predictions

Filed in National by on September 14, 2020

I predict that no matter what happens tomorrow, candidates like Jess Scarane, Sarah McBride, Kyle Evans Gay, Marie Pinkney, Kyra Hoffner, Larry Lambert, Rae Moore, Sean Matthews, Madinah Wilson-Anton, Eric Morrison, Matt Meyer, Ciro Poppiti, and Kevin Caneco are the future of the Delaware Democratic Party and the gasping-for-breath, “Dark Money Dems” are done. If not in this election, in 24 months. (All seats, even Senate seats, are back in play in the next election.)

Read this about Rhode Island if you haven’t yet and tell me it doesn’t sound like Delaware.

The people I mention above (and other great insurgent candidates) just need to stay in the fight between elections.  Keep your campaigns in place, and the intellectually and physically exhausted Ennis/Jaques/Carney/BHL/Carney/Coons Democratic Party will be ousted. If not now… soon.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. jason330 says:

    (All seats, even Senate seats, are back in play in the next election.)

    All seats in Delaware. Not the US Senate of course, so if Coons squeaks back in his lifetime sinecure is virtually assured.

  2. delacrat says:


    The thought of Coons as another Senator-for-Life is horrifying.

    As a coping mechanism, I’ve been going to this site and hitting the donate button.


    Don’t know if this would work for everybody, but it sure does for me.

    If anyone reading this tries it and it works for you, I’d be interested, so just reply to this comment.

    • John Kowalko says:

      Jessica Scarane’s campaign needs greeters at the polls tomorrow. If you want to help I’d suggest you contact her campaign and volunteer or contact me and I’ll relay the offer with a list of duties. Newark area polls can use some bodies. Call me if you would like to help.
      Representative John Kowalko

  3. bamboozer says:

    Heading up to Blackbird Station to vote for Jess, I despise the Coons and Carpers of this world and want them gone. Doing my bit, hope you vote and do yours as well.