DL Open Thread: Weds., September 16, 2020

Filed in Featured, National, Open Thread by on September 16, 2020

Rethugs Recruit Youth For ‘Troll Farm’ Operation.  This Charlie Kirk is a threat to democracy.  As is Facebook.

Alaska Rethugs Pull Last-Minute Dirty Trick As Ballots Go Out.  They’re feeling the heat, even in Alaska.

Well. That Trump ABC Town Hall Went Well.  Allegedly before a crowd of ‘undecided’ voters.  Wonder if herd mentality took hold…

Can An Accurate Census Be Saved?  As usual, it’s up to Mitch McConnell to allow a vote on this bipartisan bill.

How The EPA Perpetuates Environmental Racism On Hog Farms.  Just because they are obligated to regulate doesn’t mean they will regulate.

Alex Azar Overrode FDA To Weaken Safety Protections On Covid Tests.  Anyone think that Chris Coons sought to have a talk with his old pal?

Indigenous Americans Know How To Stop Massive Fires.  Why don’t we adopt their approach?

Because I (And You) Just Can’t Get Enough.  It really happened, folks. It’s no longer a dream.

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  1. Saw my first Cloutier signs today. They’re not the traditional Brandywine High School blue from the past, and her picture is on the signs. Which makes sense since people haven’t seen her living in the district for quite awhile.

    Of course, they neglected to include the obvious tagline:

    “Have YOU seen your State Senator today?”

    Only signs I saw were in her previous community of Heatherbrooke, and at the intersection between Heatherbrooke and Foulk Road.

  2. mediawatch says:

    Need a sign outside her old house:


  3. bamboozer says:

    Per indigenous Americans, controlled burning works and always has. It makes a lot of sense.

  4. RSE says:

    Now this is something you don’t see very often..,or ever. Crowded beach in the middle of September in the middle of a work week.


  5. Andrew C says:

    Delaware candidate Lauren Witzke gets an article in The Daily Beast about her batshit backstory and conspiracy leanings: https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-qanon-allied-gop-candidate-lauren-witzke-also-pushed-anti-semitism-flat-earthism-and-911-conspiracies?ref=home