Jess Scarane Fought the Good Fight in Spite of Very Long Odds

Filed in National by on September 16, 2020

It is easy to see the vote margin and view the primary against Coons as misguided.

It wasn’t.

The primary put Coons on the record. It is notice to any candidates for statewide office that Democrats expect Democrats to sound like Democrat’s and vote like Democrats.  Seeing Coons discover, during the campaign, that he is a Democrat was amusing but also somewhat gratifying.  Indeed, his statement (see the comments section) upon winning eschews his usual habit of jerking off Republicans in favor of promoting a genuinely Democratic message.   It may be short-lived, and Coons may very well go right back to his obsequious pandering to Republicans, but if he does it will be because he is a shit head, not because he thinks it is effective.

Also it is important to note that that Scarane’s campaign did not take place in a vacuum. Overlapping progressive primaries twined together on Election Day and GOTV efforts bounce off each other and amplify the individual efforts.  The Leg Hall victories we enjoy today are, in part, Scarane’s victories.

Her grassroots effort was impacted by having to campaign during Covid. But Scarane showed the gasping-for-breath Democratic Party that progressives are willing to fight, that they not going away and will not be ignored.

This is not a race it is a movement. And Scarane kept the pressure on this time. It falls to all of us to ensure that we keep the pressure up and demand Coons and Carper represent actual Delawareans and not Delaware based companies.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Coons’ statement:

    “Serving the people of Delaware in the United States Senate is the honor of a lifetime, and I’m humbled by the support our campaign received from Delaware Democrats up and down our state in this primary election. I’m grateful for all the volunteers who worked so hard to make today’s victory possible, for the dedication of my campaign team, and the support of my family.

    “My primary opponent, Jessica Scarane, ran a campaign focused on critical issues such as strengthening healthcare, raising wages, and combating climate change. While we have different approaches, we share the same goals of building a more just, sustainable, and inclusive Delaware.

    “The general election is in seven weeks, and the stakes have never been higher. As my friend, Joe Biden, rightly says, “We’re in a battle for the soul of our nation.” We’ve seen what four years of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell’s leadership has done to our country, and we cannot afford another four years of their failed policies and division.

    “I will work as hard as I can to earn the votes of every Delawarean — Republican, Democrat, or Independent — and I’ll be working hand in hand with Joe Biden to win this election, heal our country, and build an even brighter future for all of us.”

    • Mike Matthews says:

      He acknowledges they have different approaches. What he doesn’t acknowledge is his approach has failed time and time again.

      Congrats, Senator, but we see you. Do better.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    No regrets! Jess will be a force in Delaware.

  3. ben says:

    Not sure where she’s located, but woah nelly would I love for someone to primary Hansen next time around. The SD that overlaps with Kowalko’s RD is very under-served by her.

  4. Kennedy says:

    I’m impressed. The difference of the ratio in the mail-in votes vs the ratio of the machine votes is interesting. My guess is that the full leverage of Sen. Coon’s campaign advantages (money, name recognition, existing operations, etc.) is shown in the early mail-in votes as he got about 79%. However, I think that some of those advantages are diluted in the machine votes, and that shrinks the % to 65%. With all things considered, it seems like the more people know about Scarane, the more they’re likely to vote for her, which appears to be the reverse for Sean Barney.

  5. Hope she picks a localized office to learn the skills and moves on up.

  6. Gerald Brady says:

    I believe she lives in RD 2 with Darius Brown.