Delaware Liberal

Now THAT Was A Primary Night!

I’m writing this on very little sleep. My mind churning all night.  Here are the results of those mind-churns:

Jess Scarane deserves a lot of credit, not just for her run, but for using her campaign as a platform to feature many of the candidates who won last night as she had them join her on her social media.  She also contributed to many of their campaigns.  An incredibly generous soul.  Her kindness and progressive principles will be rewarded going forward.

It’s tough running as a white guy in a Democratic primary.  Unless you’re a gay white guy running against an opponent of LGBTQ rights. Seriously, though, while it serves the greater good, it tends to limit chances for white male D’s, even good ones.  Of course, they’ve dominated in Delaware for far too long, so there’s that.

I can’t wait for everybody to get to know Marie Pinkney.  I’ve been around a long time.  She is one of the finest human beings to be elected to office (not yet, more on that in a second) I’ve ever met.  She has a comprehensive grasp of the issues facing those who just don’t have  power and connections.  She will be that connection. Intelligence, empathy, and resolve. After she defeats one Alexander Homich in November.  So. She has a general election opponent: Memorandum to every Democratic Senator and every member of the Legislative Black Caucus:  Cough up your $600 contributions now.  Not a single one of you had the guts to stand up to the human legislative roadblock that was Dave McBride. That goes double for Darius Brown and Melissa Minor-Brown: What did you hope to accomplish by cutting campaign spots for McBride? All you accomplished was to mark yourselves as hacks willing to sell out if there’s something in it for you. Which there might be in 2022: Primary challengers. BTW, you know who did make contributions? Madinah Wilson-Anton. And Jess Scarane.

The county races, in particular, delivered results I didn’t expect. Karen Hartley-Nagle reelected? Bill Bell reelected? Well, the second of these two illustrates a point that I obviously forgot: Every race has its own dynamic.  I lumped the Bell-Caneco race right in with the Powers-Carter race.  There’s one obvious difference. Carter had a decades-long association with environmental advocacy.  Kevin was a first-time candidate. I’m guessing that made the difference.

If I’m Matt Meyer, I’m making the construction trades and the FOP beg for whatever crumbs he’s willing to toss their way.  And, if I’m a Delaware AFL-CIO member,  I’m asking myself why James Maravelias is out there pursuing his own personal grudges at our expense.

I’m stunned at the size of Larry Lambert’s victory.  I guess we now know who would have won a two-way primary back in 2018.  There’s another element:  Ray Seigfried is a serious issues-oriented person.  Even though he did a great job on constituent issues, he just isn’t a self-promoter in a political sense.  There is a lot to be said for someone who is a better person than he is a politician.  Having said that, Larry can and will push police reform to a reluctant General Assembly. Albeit a less reluctant General Assembly as a result of last night.

Sean Barney loses again? I’m almost starting to feel sorry for the guy.  One element he lacks is an outgoing personality.  Maybe that’s it.

Seriously, the only survivor among the Potter Gang is Trippi Congo? My take is that voters wanted someone, even Trippi, as a check against Mayor Mike.  I’m sure Cassandra over at Blue Delaware will have a more nuanced take on the city races.  I never studied Abnormal Psychology, and don’t wish to start now.

The Rethugs’ US Senate primary winner is a QAnon follower.  Meaning, I will actually have to vote for Coons this year. Sucks.

The ‘Wilson Dynasty’ in Sussex County is over. For now. Cynthia Green won that three-way primary Sussex County Council District 2.  But guess who got a new lease on life?  That cheatin’ former Suh-myrna mayor Mark Schaeffer, who edged I. G. Burton in Council District 3.

Finally, I haven’t been this happy on a Primary night in forever.  So many progressives won.  I thought we might be two years away. I was as wrong on that as I was on my Scott Walker prediction. Woo-hoo!!

Back to sleep.  The Open Thread will be a little delayed today…

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