Delaware Liberal

Cathy Cloutier’s First Lit Piece Is…Strange

Got her first mailer today. Oversized postcard.   She’s taken some new pictures. The front of the mailer has this picture and a similar color combination as you see here:

There’s a banner that says: Connect With Me Today/Vote November 3.  At the bottom, it reads: Effective. Resilient. Balanced.

Balanced?  What does that mean? Nobody would ever accuse her opponent of being unbalanced. To my knowledge, nobody’s accused Cathy of being unbalanced. So, why balanced? Resilient?  Is she still gonna run as the grieving widow some 20 years on? I mean, she’s remarried, and living in–well, you know.

Anyway, on the flip side is a letter from Cathy. It’s weird. OK, that’s not fair. I’m gonna quote the entire first graf:

I am Cathy Cloutier, your Senator for Brandywine Hundred (who lives in Hockessin, but never mind).  I am running again to be your Senator to continue delivering balance (sic?) and necessary solutions to ensure fairness for all who live in this diverse community. With your support, we will send a (sic) effective, resilient and balanced Senator back to Dover once again (redundancy) to represent your values and respond to your needs here in the district.

Did Dave McBride lend that hack former News-Journal reporter to the Rethugs to write that dreck?  If so, good move by McBride. This stuff’s unintelligible.  I mean, they had months to get this piece perfect.

BTW, in order to ‘connect’ with Cathy, you have to go to her website and make an appointment. She’ll either bring the chairs or talk to you over the phone. (No canvassing for Cathy.) It’s like Grub Hub, although presumably w/o the surcharge.

I think I could drive myself even crazier if I read that paragraph I cited above over and over again.  Almost forgot, Cathy ‘I’m Really A Democrat’ Cloutier put out a lit piece w/o the union bug.  She never used to do that.

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