Daily Kos Gives Delaware Progressives The Election Day Love

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 17, 2020

With a link to my Dave McBride whipping post story.  Who knows, maybe that story made a difference in the outcome.  Time to revel, kids, we went national!:


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  1. Jason330 says:

    Pretty cool. Now we all have to close the deal and get Hensley, Ramone, Delcollo, and Cloutier out. (am I forgetting anyone?)

    Do I sound like a broken record? Get used to it.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Agreed, Delcollo in particular. But let’s not forget the neo Nazi we call Pete Scwhartzkopf. Ever notice he closely resembles DeJoy?

    • My top two are Cloutier and Ramone. Cloutier, because her opponent is a solid progressive and will help lead to a far more progressive caucus. Ramone, because he’s a smarmy ethical sewer.

      I’d agree with you on DelCollo if he wasn’t running against a corporate lobbyist who might, or might not, align himself with the progressive cause.