Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020

Barr Remains Utterly Lawless.  Pushes For Sedition Charges Against ProtestorsSays He Can Be As Political As He Wants

Feds Stockpiled Munitions To Attack Peaceful DC Protestors.  The Trump Administration is a full-blown criminal enterprise.  If Biden wins, they should all be RICO’d.

Even By ‘Christian’ Conservative Standards, What This Minister Wrote Is Sickening. Genetic mutilation of Asian American women?  Macomb County, MI., eh? Isn’t that the quintessential swing county?

Biden Being Too Cautious?  Yes. And it’s driving me crazy.

Trump Calls For An Economic Relief ‘Hail, Mary’ From Rethug Senate.  Is he gonna close his campaign by running against Mitch McConnell?

Trump Blames ‘Blue States’ For High Covid Death Toll.  Tell me he is not fomenting civil war.

Trump, CDC Director, At War With Each Other.  Redfield has been complicit in allowing Trump to politicize this most apolitical of agencies. Too little, too late.

Delaware ‘Use Of Force’ Committee Meets.  Gotta say, I like the composition of this subcommittee a lot more than that of the the legislative task force.

What do you want to talk about?

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