Delaware Liberal

Silence is Support for Trump – Mike Ramone Must Be Defeated

Republicans are using Russian propaganda to try and cobble together some “October Surprise” aimed at damaging Joe Biden.  


Sen. Ron Johnson on Monday said the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which he chairs, is poised to release a Russian report on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s dealings in Ukraine.

Mike Ramone is silent.  

“Stay tuned. In about a week we’re going to learn a whole lot more of Vice President Biden’s unfitness for office,” the Wisconsin Republican said on a call with supporters, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Anthony Delcollo thinks this is just fine.  

With the help of Russian intelligence Johnson’s committee has been investigating Hunter Biden’s employment by a Ukrainian energy company during the time his father led the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy.

President Trump’s request that Ukraine investigate the dealings of the former vice president and his son resulted in his impeachment in December. Republican senators acquitted Trump in February of charges he abused his power and obstructed Congress.

Cathy Cloutier supports this.

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