Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Looks Like Biden’s Winning Pa.  When you look at the breakdowns in this poll, it’s hard to see how Trump overcomes his slippage since 2016.  Especially with voters already voting.

Trump Tried To Force CDC To Minimize Risks Of Sending Kids Back To School.  Went in search of ‘alternate facts’.

Courts View Rethugs’ Claims Of Voter Fraud Skeptically.  Since all the claims are phony, the R’s should be shut out, which they’re not.  Trump needs that extra vote on the Supreme Court.

3.5 Million Black Voters Targeted For ‘Deterrence’ By Rethugs in 2016.  In other words, getting them to stay home.

Enough With Portraying Parscale As A Victim.  Wife-beaters need not apply for victim status.

Five Key Questions On Trump’s Tax Returns.  If Biden doesn’t bring up the haircut write-offs tonight, it’s political malpractice.

Fox Cuts Its Fact-Checking Team.  I didn’t know they had one either:

Another network staffer expressed a similar sentiment: “As an employee, I have had concerns about how close Fox has become with the White House and the administration. I don’t think I’m the only person there who has these concerns. With these layoffs in multiple news departments coming just a few weeks before the election, it looks like Fox is more like an extension of this administration, instead of a news network.”

Ya think?

How Trump Destroyed Obama’s Plan To Curtail Police Abuses.  Yes, there was one. Yes, Trump destroyed it. More great reporting from Pro Publica.

$750.  Something that voters remember.  If Biden doesn’t…

Alternative To KHN?  I’ll vote for him. He’s not her. That’s enough.

Judge Swats Down Rethug Challenge To Vote-By Mail. The suit, like the Party, had no credibility.

What do you want to talk about?

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