DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 3, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 3, 2020

‘Who’s The Victor, Vector?’: Vexed Vector Virtually Vanquished. Make no mistake: Trump was the vector, starting in March when he renounced mask-wearing.  Once you spit out the three-eyed fish, the election is over.  Which is figuratively what the (arguably) human Super-Spreader has done.  My favorite touch?: Biden going to Grand Rapids.  I have a couple of other questions from yesterday: Did Trump’s spray tan guy refuse to show up?  He looked totally Caucasian (Canadian, even) in that brief address before going to Walter Reed.  Also, does he do his own hair, or does someone help coif that pompadour?  Or, at least, apply the glue? Hope his hairdresser wears a mask…

What Damage Hath The (Arguably) Human Super-Spreader Wrought?  We’re not done toting up the victims. Many of whom have attended Trump’s Super-Spreader campaign events.  Will there be enough healthy Rethug senators to force through Amy Coney Barrett?  BTW, Trump’s campaign manager has just tested positive.  I wonder what Manafort’s doing?

Activists Challenge Rethug Texas Voter Suppression.  Will this make it to the Supreme Court w/o Barrett?

Trump’s Covid Task Force: “It’s Just Fuck-Up After Fuck-Up”.  Atlas shrugged.

Customer Service Reps Have To Pay To Get Their Jobs.  Yet another one of those ‘independent contractor’ scams, thanks to a 5-4 Supreme Court decision. Outrageous. A must-read from Pro Publica.

Trump: Three Weeks Of Covid Denial.  I’ll let others pray for his recovery.

‘The Healthiest Individual Ever Elected To The Presidency”: Trump’s other credibility gap.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Mike Dinsmore says:

    I’m still not convinced that the orange fecal stain’s COVID diagnosis is not a scam. I can imagine him emerging after quarantine in perfect health and claiming that the virus is nothing to worry about, since he is a “healthy” individual.

    I sincerely hope that I am proven wrong.

    • Alby says:

      Too much leakage in the WH for that to be the case. If he was faking it, that would have come out already.

      What has come out is that he panicked after he started showing symptoms — hardly the sort of leak that would further the scam theory, which you are far from alone in suggesting.

  2. Chris Christie: Positive.

  3. Kennedy says:

    The Cal Cunningham situation in North Carolina is super frustrating because he has been leading in the polls. AND the sexts are so tame that they might as well be with his mother. Anthony Weiner set that bar really high so it needs to be a dick pic or it didn’t really happen.

  4. WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says that Trump’s vital signs over past 24 hours are ‘very concerning’:


    In direct contrast with the happy talk from Trump’s physician.

    Can both be true?