Delaware Liberal

Joe Biden – The Boxer

The Delaware Call has a surprising take on Joe Biden:

“How about Joe?” a colleague said to me shortly after the Super Tuesday primaries, and I scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I replied. “The most diverse pool of presidential candidates in history, and we get another old White guy.”

It was only later, amidst 2020’s grim onslaught, that I began to understand Biden’s power. That in this year of profound loss—loss of life, 200,000 Americans dead from an airborne virus; loss of liberty and justice, an innocent woman murdered in her sleep while her killers walk free; loss of normalcy; loss of happiness; loss of democracy; loss of kindness; loss of the very core of our identity, “one nation, under God, indivisible”—Joe Biden is the boxer. He has emerged from the depths of human misery beaten, but not broken; damaged, but not defeated. In the fight for the soul of America, he is the bandage on our beak.

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