Ghoul Pool

Filed in National by on October 4, 2020

It’s time to start a Ghoul Pool for the GOP ‘Ronapalooza. Who will be the first of the infected to die? Make your choice in the poll at the right, leave your comment below, and pop some popcorn for the COVID 500!

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    I am pulling for Bill Barr to get in the race and overtake the field!

  2. SO tasteless. I’m going with Trump. He’s been lying about his health forever. (To prevent the onset of schadenfreude, I don’t HOPE he passes, just making a prediction…)

    Uh, what do I win? Lifetime supply of cheeseburgers, no lettuce or tomato?

  3. jason330 says:

    It’s gotta be Christie. He has all the underlying ill health of Trump, but without the $millons in taxpayer paid medical attention.

  4. Jim C says:

    I’ll vote for the utterly despicable Kellyanne Conway! To hear her screech and see her sneer just sickens me!

  5. Headball says:

    I am conflicted because despite my hatred of these assholes I am against people suffering. However, how many lives would be saved if said assholes kicked the can? Namely trump.

    El som will win an overcooked steak with ketchup. I’m buying.

  6. John Kowalko says:

    As far as “keeping them in my prayers” I’m sorry but my quota of prayers was used up on the 210,000 innocent Americans who died from this horrible virus. I did, however, use a lot of my quota praying that Trump would stop encouraging people to forego masks and attend his rallies with no social distancing or common sense. I’ll also admit that I did use some of my prayer quota hoping that his favorite groups of “white supremacists” and “proud boys” would continue gathering for their brownshirt rallies sans masks and in close quarters. And I would have used some of my quota of prayers on behalf of Kellyanne Conway, Chris Christie, Senator Mike Lee (Utah), Senator Johnson (Wisconsin), Senator Thom Tillis (N.C.), and all the many other science deniers and pandemic enablers but it appears the good Lord was one step ahead of me. But one thing that confounds me is the apparent immunity of that semi-human/reptilian species that do not become infected. For example Stephen Miller (snake/viper) or Mitch McConnell (turtle/tortoise) or Lindsay Graham (lizard) must have some kind of genetic predisposition that protects them. Maybe it’s an absence of conscience or heart.
    Representative John Kowalko

  7. Andrew C says:

    I’ll throw in a vote for Senator Ron Johnson, the clearest example on the list of a Republican who used to be one of those “okay at least we can work with this guy a little sometimes” to absolute sycophant boot-licking motherfucker.

  8. bamboozer says:

    I second Ron Johnson, guys an idiot.

  9. mediawatch says:

    I’d rather see Trump in jail.

  10. jason330 says:

    So Trump’s Press Lying Person is positive, so we are at a point where one of these devils should die, right?