Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Home Comes The Deranged.  Sickly Would-Be Strongman Stages Unmasked And Unhinged Performance.  Unmasked and unhinged, maybe…but his tan is back, courtesy of His Tan-ic Majesty’s Request.

Trump Blows Chance For Campaign Reset.  Wishful thinking from those who knew better.

The Invisible Staff Who Trump Willingly Endangers.  Permanent career staff, all placed at risk by everyone in the Trump orb.

Trump To Rose Garden Attendees: “No Contract Tracing For You”.  Well, they all chose to not wear masks.

Supreme Court Seeks To Save Lindsey Graham.  Politicians with robes. Oh, and Florida voter registration system crashes on the final day to register.

’29(!) Ways That Rethugs Are Suppressing The Vote’.  Know your enemy.  Must-reading from Mother Jones.  If D’s win, they must put an end to as many of these practices as possible.

These Outlier Polls May Not Be Outliers.  I dismissed that Wall Street Journal poll that had Biden up by 14.  But we’ve now got a CNN poll that has Biden up by 16.  I sorta agree with Tim Alberta at Politico: This year’s silent majority are relatively apolitical types who are just sick of the Trump reality show.

US Supreme Court Hears Delaware’s ‘Judicial Balance’ Case.  Only a dutiful centrist like John Carney would have taken it this far.  He may win, but his position won’t be exonerated.

What do you want to talk about?

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