GOP Attains “Third Party” Status in Delaware

Filed in National by on October 7, 2020

Widely regarded at “ridiculous” and “irrelevant”, voters are fleeing the DEGOP in droves. Republicans are now the third party in 46% of Delaware’s Rep Districts.

Here are the districts where Republicans should not get automatic ballot access:

RD01 R-1380 I-2677
RD02 R-1330 I-3022
RD03 R-1288 I-2551
RD05 R-2061 I-3310
RD13 R-2976 I-4325
RD15 R-4230 I-5090
RD16 R-1725 I-2996
RD17 R-2735 I-3835
RD18 R-2953 I-3911
RD19 R-3671 I-4550
RD21 R-4929 I-5061
RD23 R-3396 I-3486
RD24 R-3488 I-4533
RD25 R-2808 I-3516
RD26 R-2691 I-3957
RD27 R-4626 I-4656
RD28 R-4110 I-4547
RD31 R-3451 I-4005
RD32 R-3517 I-4080

Another 4 RD’s are within a few days of being added to the list:

RD04 R-4516 I-4473
RD06 R-4941 I-4749
RD08 R-4958 I-4686
RD10 R-4847 I-4063

That will be 23 of 41 or 56% of RDs.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. puck says:

    Meanwhile our Democratic governor is in court fighting for equal representation in judgeships for this fringe party.

  2. Alby says:

    It’s the Flat Earth party. Just ask Lauren Witless.

  3. Ultra Dem says:

    For the Rethugs, “Third Party” sounds more appropriate in Brookylnese, but we still have the Coons/Carper Fifth Column.

  4. Ultra Dem says:

    *** Brooklynese

    Let’s give them all a big Bronx Cheer!

  5. jason330 says:

    The interesting thing to me is that “I” has been the traditional refuge right wing crackpots. Now that the GOP is occupying that space, moderate “Rs” who can’t bring themselves to register as Dems (for whatever reason) are filling the ranks.

    I mean it isn’t as if Wolfgang von Baumgart is picking up a bunch of fans. So when does the “I” party get to a tipping point where they run Mike Castle, Jr ?

    • Alby says:

      You’re confusing the oxymoronically named “Independent Party” with “unaffiliated.”

      • John Kowalko says:

        Yes Alby and that is an often misunderstood fact in Delaware’s party registration identification system. “I” as a voter registration designation includes all other non-D or R’s such as “Green” et al.
        I also believe that the Trump cultists are more a “Third Reich” than a “third party”
        Rep. Kowalko

  6. Research the candidates history instead of voting on party lines.
    The enemies of our country have figured out that they need to run people for every elected position.

    I researched the history of who is running which is precisely the reason I decided to run.

    Catherine Stonestreet Purcell for US HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Delaware at large

  7. C says:

    Daniello used to call unaffiliated voters “declines”