VP Debate Open Thread

Filed in Featured, National by on October 7, 2020

We already got a preview from Scott Walker (the Wisconsin one), who aided in debate prep for Pence.  It’s gonna be that Trump somehow prevented 2 million deaths b/c Trump stopped travel from China (which he didn’t), and that, if Biden had his way, 2 million more would be dead.  Pence is no pushover–he’s a bullshit artist par excellence–a former talk show host who was a spokesman for the tobacco industry.

Should be interesting…

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  1. This fucking Susan Page. She’s just letting Pence filibuster.

  2. Headball says:

    Pence keeps referring to 2000 dollars per family per year if trumps “tax cuts” are ended. An extra 160 per month is “something” but come on dude. That’s weak.
    He’s in a tough spot cus he’s forced to lie for the supreme leader.

  3. Mike Dinsmore says:

    I never realized what an insufferable scumbag Pence is.

    • Headball says:

      He’s an empty bag of human flesh that is good at memorizing talking points.

      • Headball says:

        There is a fly on his head. For a while. LMAO. Getting texts and videos. Nothing attracts flies like a bag of shit and empty flesh.

  4. jason330 says:

    Pence sure is a slippery mayonnaise sculpture.

  5. jason330 says:

    Also, that moderator let herself get rolled by Pence.

  6. Headball says:

    Pence brought up Hilary Clinton. Take a hike ass. You are laughable. Clowns pile into the same car apparently. The rumor is true

  7. nathan arizona says:

    I knew that fly would become an internet meme. One tweet said the fly “is Pence’s only black friend.” Another pointed out how much flies like shit. Actually, I said that to my wife as soon as I saw it.

    • RSE says:

      Yeah, the memes are always funny when flies land on politicians. Remember when Obama had a fly land several times all over his face and lip ? Hillary too. And Biden like a month ago.

      Listen to Mrs Bitters from Invader Zim :


      • John Kowalko says:

        Hey, remember when the flies and their maggot offspring landed on the decomposing corpse of the once influential Republican Party. Oh you don’t have to remember, it’s happening in real time now. Thank goodness for ghouls like Trump, Pence, Barr, Graham, McConnell and Stephen Miller being their to consume any remaining visage of conscience or morality that your beloved GOP might have had.
        Rep. Kowalko

  8. Arthur says:

    Ok i had never heard this one before but i love it Cult45.