DL Open Thread: Thursday, October 8, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 8, 2020

Pence Wouldn’t Shut Up. Couldn’t Acknowledge Fly:

Off (the fly) flew, and on Pence droned. He never exhibited any awareness — not the subtlest glance upward, not the slightest flinch or twitch — that his head had been colonized. I first found this strange and then realized it was everything. Pence’s years of obsequiousness to Donald Trump had beaten all sensitivity and capacity for revulsion out of him…

…And Pence kept talking over the moderator, Susan Page of USA Today, ignoring her alerts that his two minutes were up so that he could commandeer more time than Harris got. Page was left to sputter endlessly, “Thank you, Vice President Pence. Thank you, Vice President Pence. Thank you, Vice President Pence.” But more than a thanking he needed a spanking.

I thought Harris was just great when she dissed Pence’s ‘mansplaining’.

‘Justice’ Department Ramps Up Election Interference Plans.  We’ll know that Trump is officially done when Barr throws in the towel and pockets a Presidential pardon.

Putin Too Busy To Reelect Trump?  Everybody’s got problems.

Trump-Biden Debate To Be ‘Virtual’.  I don’t think this is as set in stone as the Commission might wish.  Trump erupts in 3-2-1…yep, it’s happened already.

Trump Required Walter Reed Doctors To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements.  It’s official: We can’t trust anything they say.

Bless These Humans.  Once a year, I am inspired by reading the bios of the winners of the MacArthur Genius Grants.  Click on the names and read them. It will give you hope.

Michigan SOS Fights Back Against Rethug Election Misinformation.  We need more Democratic Secretaries of State.

Another Military Leader Tests Positive.  It’s…China’s fault?

Back To The Future: The Queen undergoes yet another facelift.  Stop the presses: Buccini/Pollin is now in charge.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Ben says:

    SO the doctors arent allowed to say he was never sick. NO apology needed. I wanted it too, but it was obviously a show.

    • Alby says:

      Conspiracy-theory thinking is a hallmark of conservatives. Just sayin’.

      • Ben says:

        That’s what im saying. Trump is obsessed with cloak and dagger conspiracies. Stands to reason he’d try and play one out.
        The notion of infiltrating the DoJ to get lawsuits ready to throw out ballots so he can keep power would SEEM like a David Finchner level crakpot idea… and yet it’s their stated plan. The man LOVES living in, talking about, devising these types of dramas.

        Look, I’ve never said it was a SMART plot … or one that would last longer than a week or so. But he’s a walking bag of co-morbities if he really WAS that sick, he’d be dead by now… or at least still in the hospital. we’re past the point where his steroids would have worn off and it should have progressed more if it was ever really that bad.

        I think he was positive and asymptomatic… then “leaks” … and a 15 year old daughter of his old advisor (cmon) made us all think he was hiding how sick he really was. Just like that the many scandals of that week were washed away and now we’re talking about flies.

  2. Biden Campaign Fly Swatters Already Sold Out:


    There are few more effective political tools than ridicule.

  3. FBI: Militia Members Plotted To Kidnap Michigan Governor. One of the ‘plotters’ is allegedly from Delaware, one Barry Croft:


  4. John Kowalko says:

    I”d suggest that such a plot can be measured as an act of treason (plotting to overthrow the duly elected government) against America and punished accordingly.
    Representative John Kowalko

  5. Trump Demands That Barr Indict His Political Enemies:


    An inspirational tweet: