Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, October 9, 2020

Inside The Bizarre Cult That Democrats Have Pledged Not To Talk About. There are only about 1650 members nationwide. One has been nominated for the Supreme Court. But the D’s have unilaterally decided it’s off limits.

Barr’s Hit Job Report Won’t Be ‘Ready’ Before Election.  Translation: There’s no ‘there’ there.

Alaska Now A Senate Battleground.  I’ve said it before: In an electoral tsunami, lots of people go down who seemed fairly safe.

Trump And The Militias.  He goads them into action, then blames Michigan’s governor for calling him out.

The Ultimate Denier-In-Chief Timeline.  Great reporting from Mother Jones.

What’s Up With Pence?  Or Is It Trump?  Not even The Villages want Pence to show up. Captain Obvious: They’re hiding something.

Big-Time Trump Fundraiser Charged With Fraud Conspiracy.  He’s expected to plead guilty. Meaning, he must talk.

Portland Police Targeted Medics. They are, and have been, consistently at war with the mostly progressive residents of that city.

What do you want to talk about?

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