Donate to Network Delaware

Filed in National by on October 9, 2020

This is from Delaware Dem, but I know El Som had a similar introduction to our great progressive candidates. Let’s keep the progressive momentum going and help Network Delaware get the full $50,000.

Remember back to September 15th? Primary night in Delaware. When we were celebrating the victories of four stellar progressive leaders in Larry Lambert, Eric Morrison, Madinah Wilson-Anton and Marie Pinkney? Where did I first see these candidates? At Network Delaware meetings. All four took part in Network Delaware’s Candidate School, which is just one of the many Leadership Development programs and training sessions the organization has helped organize and host throughout the last four years.

This week, an anonymous Network Delaware supporter has offered to match any money raised from now until November 12 up to $25,000.00. I have have donated as part of this fundraiser so as to double my impact in helping this incredible and successful organization. Their efforts have obviously shown results, and it is time we reinvest to continue the growth of a new generation of leadership in 2021 and 2022 and beyond.

Here is the fundraising email sent out by that anonymous donor, and the donate like is here and below in the email:

Hi Friend,

I was introduced to Network Delaware in January 2017, at its kickoff event in a crowded room on Market Street. Do you remember January 2017? Back then, I thought of myself as an observer. It was not apparent to me what Network Delaware was trying to accomplish, whether it had staying power, or how I could help.

I joined a few Network Delaware sessions and quickly realized that many people from all backgrounds are dedicated to supporting social and political change in our state. Through two election cycles, I am continually astounded by the wide array of passionate people involved with Network Delaware. We don’t always know exactly what we can do as individuals, but we show up and make sure to learn as a team. That spirit of collective learning, persistence in the face of challenges, and dedication to making real change is a key reason why I am grateful to have found Network Delaware.

I am also grateful for the fact that Network Delaware is leading a resurgence of civic and political engagement across our state. Look at the most recent primary election results. More and more people know they can run for office. Some of those people have won! Look at the issue campaigns and district advocates looking to change policy at every level of government. Network Delaware is reshaping our civic infrastructure.

That’s why I want to do my part to help Network Delaware grow. I will match up to $25,000 in donations between now and November 12, the date of our “Activate Change” fundraiser.

Significant change has already been achieved in a short period of time. We had grown accustomed to seeing the same groups of people making the decisions year after year. Network Delaware has shown that it no longer has to be that way.

We can work urgently to address multi-issue challenges, such as Black maternal health, immigrant rights, criminal justice reform, gun safety, and climate change. We can make sure decision-makers at all levels reflect the demographics of our state. We can make sure everyone who wants to learn how to make a difference can gain the skills, connections, and confidence to do so.

Please join me and our great Network community in moving forward! Click here to donate. All funds raised up to $25,000 will be matched!


A supporter of Network Delaware

Network Delaware and Partner Events

1. Membership Recruitment Support Sessions October 12th at 7pm

2. Statewide Action Team Meetings October 27th at 6:30pm

3. Public Policy Institute meeting October 29th at 7pm

4. James H. Gilliam Sr. Fellows Program application due date October 30th at midnight

5. “Activate Change” Fundraiser November 12th at 6pm

Email us at or call us at (302) 464-0149. Our address is 719 N. Shipley St. Wilmington, DE 19801.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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