Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 11, 2020

Here’s Why D’s Should Pack The Courts.  Inspirational Quote:

The Republicans have discovered that shamelessness is their superpower and they are unafraid to deploy it to force their ideology on the entire country. Democrats can no longer afford to stand by and let it happen out of an antediluvian adherence to “norms” that only they are observing.

How Trump Created The Ultimate ‘Pay To Play’ Presidency.  It’s sickening, it probably won’t make any difference in the election, but it’s a must-read.

If Kamala Is Elected As Veep, Here’s My Only Choice To Replace Her In Senate.  Here’s how a swing-district official maintains her dignity:

I reached out to Porter this week to ask a basic question: How does she do it? I want to know how she manages to combine being a high-profile progressive while maintaining a secure grip on what is widely viewed as a swing district.

“Not every swing district is mushy,” Porter tells me via Zoom. “It’s not that people are kind of Republican and kind of Democrat. Some places are swing districts because there are strong Republicans and strong Democrats in equal numbers.”

Rethugs Don’t Want No Steenkin’ Stimulus Package.  Partisan politics trumps humanity every time for these deplorables.

Live Concerts Aren’t Coming Back Any Time Soon.  I very well may have produced my last show.

Inside ‘People Of Praise’.  This should be front-and-center at her confirmation hearings.  1700 members, brainwashed, one of whom has been nominated for the Supreme Court.  Rethug senators plan to use her as a political weapon before Election Day. Democrats cower. Go back and read the ‘Inspirational Quote’ above…

The State Of Both Parties In Delaware.  I grant you, nothing we didn’t know.

What do you want to talk about?

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