DL Open Thread: Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 13, 2020

Settlement Reached To Provide More Equity In Delaware School Funding. The agreement relies on legislative approval, which will be more likely with the progressive newcomers.  This does not end the lawsuit for a statewide reassessment:

A separate track of this lawsuit, involving property reassessment in all three counties, is ongoing. That track saw victory in a Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster’s decision amid the COVID-19 crisis in May, in which it declared the three counties’ failure to re-assess properties for decades unconstitutional. In New Castle County, properties haven’t been reassessed since 1983. Reassessments last happened in Kent County in 1986-87, and in Sussex County, it’s been since 1974.

“The county track is ongoing, and we’re looking at what the remedy is going to be and how it’s going to be implemented,” said Street.

Y’know, Jea Street has cemented himself as one of the most influential progressive voices in Delaware. Great news!

D’s Admit Defeat–Focus On ACA In Supreme Court Battle.  Should help in Senate races.  But you’ll have a 6-3 Court to overturn any progressive legislation.

Is Tony DeLuca In Charge Of OSHA?  Agency routinely dismisses workers’ coronavirus retaliation complaints w/o investigating.

If Amy Coney Barrett Were Muslim.  Stating the what should be obvious. But D’s cower in fear of challenging a cult member. They suck.

More Rethug Voter Suppression Trix:  Cali. TX. (You won’t believe the (three Trump) judges’ reasoning for this one.)

It Could Be A Biden Landslide.  Every day that Trump is behind, and that people are voting in huge numbers, is a good day.

Trump’s Totally Fucked-Up Trade War.  An even-handed account of how even (some) good intentions turn to shit under Trump’s rule.

Could Florida’s Broken Unemployment System Cost Trump The Sunshine State?  It would be a just reward for creating such a cynical system designed to screw Florida’s neediest. A must-read.

A 10-Hour Wait To Vote In Georgia.  Yep, in an overwhelmingly Black district.  If D’s take control, they must pass a Voting Rights Act that bans the most egregious voter suppression tactics.

Trey Paradee’s Lawyer-Brother Is At It Again.  Is there any law more rife for shenanigans than land-use law?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Bruce Pringle says:

    Re “Trey Paradee’s Lawyer-Brother … “: If there’s any story this week that qualifies as an absolute must-read for Delaware taxpayers, it’s probably this one.

  2. MarkH says:

    My wife and I dropped off out mail-in ballots today in Arizona. Each county has a number of drop-boxes. In the 2 minutes we were there, we saw at least 20 ballots being dropped off

  3. Alby says:

    All day I’ve been getting two local political ads online. One is for Anthony DelCollo, whose district I don’t live in. I’ve been getting those for weeks now, presumably because I have entered his name in a search engine at some point.

    The other is for the guy running against Chrissy Houlahan in Pennsylvania, someone named John Emmons, who wants it known that he supports our police and wants to bring back American manufacturing. Why they think someone who lives in Delaware gives a hoot is something their supposedly state-of-the-art algorithm will have to answer.

    • I get Trinidad Navarro.

      • Alby says:

        That at least makes sense. He’ll be on the ballot where you vote.

        I’m starting to suspect that the GOP’s crack online ad team is showing some cracks.

        I also think it’s funny that Teh Internets in general thinks I’m a Republican. I get pro-Trump ads all the time.

  4. Supreme Court Shuts Down Census:


    This GUARANTEES an undercount, and Rethug redistricting shenanigans.

    We’d better get used to shit like this.