Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thursday, October 15, 2020

One Final Giuliani Scam Before The Election.  Dog Bites Man.

Barrett’s On Her Way.  Might as well resign ourselves to it.

High Rollers Had Advance Warning Of Seriousness Of Covid.  Courtesy of the White House. Got out of the market. Uh, isn’t that criminal?

Neo-Nazi Group Recruiting Ex-Military.  This is almost a ‘Dog Bites Man’ story. Scary. Predictable.

Andrew Cuomo Looking To Kill Working Families Party In New York.  The Working Families Party is one of the key elements in the successful recruitment/training of progressive candidates in Delaware.  They’re not on the ballot thanks to John Daniello and whoever his Rethug counterpart was (there have been so many) when they successfully lobbied the General Assembly to exclude them from having their own ballot line.  Cuomo’s a piece of shit.

‘Nobody Outside Of The Beltway Really Cares’.  That’s what Mark Meadows says of Trump’s blatant violations of the Hatch Act.  He’s correct.  Doesn’t make it any less illegal.

Enter Obama. Sooner the better.

What do you want to talk about?

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