Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 17, 2020

Trump Agencies Race To Screw Country As Much As Possible Before End Of Year.  Rushing through rules and regulations changes.

Supreme Court To Consider Excluding Counting Of Undocumented Immigrants In Census.  Yes, Barrett will be on the Court. Any doubt as to the unjust outcome?  We’re screwed.

Biden Beats Trump In Town Hall Ratings.  I include this b/c I think people are just sick of Trump and want to be rid of him. I mean, not even I care to watch Biden.

Department Of Justice Rounds Up Aryan Brotherhood Criminals.  Gonna be a lot more of this come January.  As Daily Kos pointed out, there go Trump’s poll-watchers.  BTW, anybody seen Barr lately?  Is he ill, or is he just drawing up his own pardon papers?

Company Supporting Trump Fails To Print Absentee Ballots On Time.  For Pennsylvania and Ohio.  No big deal, right?  If Diogenes were still around, he’d be looking for ‘one honest election’.

How Voter Suppression Works In Georgia.  This. Is. Unconscionable.  The Voting Rights Act isn’t coming back to save us. Yet more voter suppression.

Effin’ Diane Feinstein.  A reason why we can’t have good things.

Who Will Be Biden’s Chief Of Staff?  This could be where the centrist rubber meets the road (hey, we haven’t had enough bad metaphors on the blog lately…).

What do you want to talk about?

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