DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 18, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 18, 2020

Trump-Packed Appeals Courts Destroying Voter Access.  The minority is firmly in charge of the country.  Add a shitload of judges, or simply accept it.

An Exhaustive List Of Trump Norm-Shattering.  An absolute must-read (set aside some time for this one). The next President is gonna have to unwind a whole lot of these to get back to anything approaching normal. You’ll be amazed at how many of these you’ve forgotten under the sheer weight of this toxic presidency.

Federal Deficit Explodes.  Gee, wonder who will scream for fiscal responsibility come January…wash, rinse, rethug…

Wilmington To Get Police Body Cameras.  Yes, this is progress.  But, on this, I agree with Sam Guy:

“Watch what happens everybody once we all get to see the policy. Their object is to implement it without it being able to be looked at by everybody…it matters who can look at it. Some places, the public can see what’s captured by the camera, some places they can’t. This is going to matter. So I’m voting for this but the game ain’t over yet–we’ve got some more details that haven’t been addressed, and they’re trying to do it in secrecy,” he said.

The FOP ain’t going down w/o a fight over every single detail.

Delaware Democratic Party Files Complaint Over Chris Kenny’s Dark Money Organization.  Nothing’s gonna happen with the Department of Elections.  But, the AG’s office should be the next stop–even if it’s after the election.  I agree with Blue Delaware:  Boycott Shop-Rite if you can.  BTW, I hear that Kenny has produced a TV spot for Cathy Cloutier–they’re trying to repackage her as a progressive.  Somewhere, Colin Bonini and Dave Lawson, who own her in that caucus, are doing coffee spit-takes and laughing uproariously.  After all, you can’t be an ‘independent voice’ when you are representing their interests as a member of the Republican leadership team. Absolute liars lie absolutely.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Rusty Dils says:

    What are some of you guys thoughts on the recent discovery and partial publication of the Hunter Biden hard drive contents alledgedly containing thousands of damning pictures and emails of and from and about Hunter and the Biden Family?

    P.S. Do any of you guys know this computer repair shop in Wilmington?

    • Alby says:

      Here are my thoughts: Looks like bullshit. Smells like bullshit. Why’d you step in it and bring it in here?

      • RSE says:

        Lol.. How is it bullshit? It’s just your basic October surprise, and honestly, who is surprised about this?
        Adam Schiff claims “Russian disinformation”. Does Adam Schiff have his own intelligence people working on this or something because the US intelligence community reports , “there’s no intelligence that supports that,”

        • Alby says:

          It’s bullshit because it’s unsourced. And the Russian disinformation angle is being investigated because that’s where all the Ukrainian bullshit has come from.

          And, just for shits and giggles, let’s pretend it’s true. Who cares? Trump and his shit-spawn do worse on a weekly basis. Nobody gives a shit, because if they did Trump would be hanging from a gibbet already.

          Lick Trump’s asshole someplace else for a while. Doesn’t your tongue get tired?

    • Jason330 says:

      Hey Dork, What are your thoughts on Trump’s ass? Do your lips ever get chapped with all the anus smootching?

    • Alby says:

      Here are my thoughts: Looks like bullshit. Smells like bullshit. Why’d you step in it and bring it in here?

  2. Rustydils says:

    Jason, I was being serious about wondering if anyone knows that computer shop since some of you guys live in the area.

  3. ScarletWoman says:

    I am stone-cold terrified to look at Amy Siskind’s inventory. When I first saw her book “The List” (about just 2017’s opening salvo of destruction) my blood ran cold and my jaw dropped. How did such a stupid selfish uninformed oaf marshal all the forces of government and infiltrate every department to wreak such detailed havoc?

    • El Somnambulo says:

      SW, it’s stunning. When you look at the entire litany, your jaw won’t be able to drop low enough. I’m serious, everybody. It’s a must-read–and a roadmap to reversal for Biden.

  4. RSE says:

    @Alby-You believe some former intelligence people who claim this “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation’”, but you don’t believe claims of current intelligence officials to the contrary. It’s just a trust issue, isn’t it, and you are going to claim that your guys are more trustworthy than my guys and that of course I’m just an idiot for not believing your guys.