Delaware Liberal

Best Pro Rasslin’ Segment In ForEVER!

As many of you know, my El Somnambulo monicker comes from my fictitious lucha libre background, featuring my legendary but totally made-up feud with the dastardly Teletubbymundo.

I love  pro rasslin’s zaniness, which WWE has excised from its product as Vince McMahon falls deeper into senility.

Fortunately, a new alternative, AEW (All Elite Wrestling), premiered about a year ago, and is bankrolled by Tony Khan.  What distinguishes AEW is that the wrestlers play a much bigger role in developing their characters and writing their storylines. And they have some incredibly creative minds there.  Plus, there’s a lot of winking going on between the talent and the audience.

Anyway, the storyline leading up to the segment I’m about to post is this.  Chris Jericho plays a smarmy heel, and he is the leader of the primo heel stable in AEW, The Inner CircleMJF (Michael Jay Friedman) plays an equally-smarmy, but much younger heel.  They are the two best at their gimmicks in pro rasslin’.  Anyway, MJF is trying to insinuate himself into The Inner Circle.  The other members smell (their sense of smell is not misplaced) a rat looking to enter their sleeping quarters.  But Jericho is intrigued.  Last week, MJF, in a hilarious segment, asked Jericho to let him join.  Jericho said that they’d talk about it over a steak dinner.  Which leads us this week to ‘The Dinner Debonair’.  Watch the whole thing, you will not be disappointed:


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