Pence Team Tests Positive. Won’t stop Pence’s campaign schedule, though. WH tried to keep it hush-hush.
Dems Target Georgia. Biden is heading there on Tuesday, Kamala and Jill have already been there. If they can pull Ossoff across the finish line, that would be huge.
The Left Taking Up Arms? Interesting, don’t know what to make of this.
‘CASES,CASES,CASES’. Trump blames media for hyping up record Covid case numbers.
Trump Counts On Local Coverage To Counter Biden Ad Advantage. Problem is, the campaign is getting uncomfortable questions about its super-spreader events.
Pope Seeks To Lock In More Progressive Church. Elevates 9 cardinals eligible to vote for next Pope.
Delaware Long-Term Care Facilities Experience Spike In Covid Cases. I’m telling you, one of these facilities pretty much killed a friend and neighbor of ours.
What do you want to talk about?