Non-Predictions Thread
In a normal year I’d have probably put up an electoral college prediction post about now. I’m just not feeling it this year. I hope the country turns out to be filled with sane people. I also hope the DEGOP gets kicked in the balls by voters vigorously and repeatedly. I guess there is a fair chance of that happening, but that’s as far as I’ll go.
That said, I will be eagerly awaiting El Som’s Delaware races prediction post.
Can someone please tell that sad old man in Smyrna to stop sending mailers? I love the latest one “The Leader Our District Needs”. Yes, definitely time to get rid of the turdbag who’s been napping in Dover since 1982. Oops, wait a sec…..
I just find it odd that I keep getting doorknob ads even though I am not a registered voter. Not an efficient use of time, people.