DL Open Thread: Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 28, 2020

Biden And Obama Give Great Speeches.  ObamaBiden.  I watched Biden’s Atlanta speech.No sign of ‘low-energy Joe’.  It was a speech about reunification, and I loved it.

Trump’s Omaha Rally, OTOH….  Elderly supporters left freezing for hours.  So much for clinching that one electoral vote.

Who Will Replace Kamala In Cali?  If the D’s win the Presidency, the list of prospective candidates to replace her is long.  I think it should be Katie Porter, but it doesn’t look like she’ll be the choice.

Judge Orders Postal Service To Immediately Lift Collection And Delivery Limitations.  Good news, but how long before a Trump court reverses this decision?

How Will Biden Address The Problems At The Border?  It’s complicated.

Trump’s Philly Voter Suppression Chief.  He has a history of fighting to keep people, mostly minorities, from voting.

NCC Council Votes To Acquire Hotel To House The Homeless.  I support the idea, but the word ‘boondoggle’ comes to mind…

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. What the FUCK is going on with all these pleas for cash allegedly from Jaime Harrison? I seriously believe that some are coming from sites not affiliated with his campaign. Anyone else getting them?

    • BlueJayWay says:

      Yes – I have received 6 emails since last night, most with bad grammar usage. Almost made a contribution, but then decided to send some more money to Kyle Evans Gay after getting another email from Cloutier telling me she is not affiliated with the other Republicans.

  2. Geobumm says:

    Yep. Got my name on an email list somehow (Progressive Turnout Project) and am deluged by emails. That’s not so bad in and of itself, but they use the worst, non -factual, passive aggressive, ‘click baity’ subject lines to get your attention. It basically has turned into noise.

  3. puck says:

    I’m getting those emails too; seems like Russians or somebody flooding the zone with crap. Don’t click any links in those emails. If you want to donate go direct to the candidate’s website or ActBlue.

  4. Jim C says:

    I’ve received 48 fundraising emails since 12: 00 AM. there’s still another 11 hours to go today so I expect to get 50 more. That would make it a “normal” amount of daily emails since August. At this point in time it will take forever to unsubscribe from them all so I’ll wait till election day for them to stop arriving then unsubscribe from those that are still getting thru. I also use Act Blue when I donate.

  5. Had the occasion to be out in the Kirkwood Hwy/Limestone Road area today. Gotta say, I LOVE Spiros Mantzavinos’ signs. When your last name is ‘Mantzavinos’, ‘Spiros’ is all people need to know. In big capital letters.

    • mediawatch says:

      Love the signs all you want. Feeling sorry for voters in the SD7. Having to choose between a Rethug and a recycled lobbyist makes “none of the above” a reasonable option.

      • True. But SOMEBODY has to win. And hold the seat for two years when perhaps a more palatable alternative will surface.

        Or–should Delcollo win, the 7th District could be absorbed into adjacent districts with a new SD popping up in the lower portion of NCC, where there has been strong population growth.

  6. Andrew C says:


    *New Castle County wins auction for Sheraton South hotel*

    $19.5 million in a bidding war apparently. “…county plan[s] to use federal CARES Act money to purchase and convert the hotel into an extended-stay homeless shelter in order to meet rising numbers of people experiencing homelessness ahead of the winter.”

  7. Jim C says:

    I’m up to 111 political donation emails today with 80 minutes left to go for the day. I’ve had enough. Goodnight…