Maybe the new squad in Dover will take up my old, new idea?

Filed in National by on November 1, 2020

Most people don’t enjoy the simple, boring act of putting money in a savings account. But we do love to play the lottery. So what if you combine the two, creating a new kind of savings account with a lottery payout?

Hey new Legislature, Let’s seriously look at a “no lose lottery” also known as “Prize linked savings accounts” (PLSA).

TBH – Rather than creating a savings account with a lottery payout, I prefer creating a lottery with a savings component. But that is just implementation details.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (5)

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  1. C says:

    Already allowed in DE. Bill passed in 2017.

    • jason330 says:

      I’m not talking allowed. I’m talking encouraged, supported, advanced.

      • jason330 says:

        …connected with a public bank system operating in:
        Appoquinimink State Service Center (Middletown)
        Belvedere State Service Center (Wilmington)
        Claymont State Service Center
        DeLaWarr State Service Center (New Castle)
        Floyd I. Hudson State Service Center (Newark)
        Northeast State Service Center (Wilmington)
        Winder Laird Porter State Service Center (Wilmington)
        James W. Williams State Service Center (Dover)
        Smyrna State Service Center (Smyrna)
        Milford State Service Center Campus:
        Milford State Service Center
        Milford Walnut Street Building
        Sussex County State Service Centers:
        Edward W. Pyle State Service Center (Frankford)
        Laurel State Service Center
        Thurman Adams State Service Center (formerly the Georgetown State Service Center)
        Anna C. Shipley State Service Center (Seaford)

  2. puck says:

    Banks don’t care about small depositor money when they can get money almost free from the Federal Reserve.