Delaware Elects First-ever Transgender State Senator

Filed in National by on November 3, 2020

Delaware elected the nation’s first-ever transgender state senator Tuesday night when LGBT activist Sarah McBride won a senate seat in a landslide.

McBridge won her race with about three-fourths of the vote in Delaware’s first state senate district.

According to Politico, 30-year-old McBride is set to become the nation’s most senior elected official who is openly transgender.

McBride thanked her supporters Tuesday, writing on Twitter “I hope tonight shows an LGBTQ kid that our democracy is big enough for them, too.”

She said it’s time to “get to work” on policies that will “make a difference” for working Delaware families as the state faces down the coronavirus pandemic.

Via Forbes, but just about every media outlet you care to mention has run this.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    The state senate is going to be very different next year. It goes from a 12-9 Democratic advantage to a 14-7 supermajority, but two progressives replacing ancient Democratic incumbents is just as important. It appears the Senate will be the General Assembly’s more progressive chamber.

    • The leadership battle in the Senate will be very interesting.

      Nicole Poore wants the Pro-Tem, the progressives want someone, um, more progressive and less unethical.

      Word on the street (Al, this will come as no surprise to you) is that Stephanie Hansen is throwing in with Poore. I suspect that self-dealer Darius Brown could do the same. It could all come down to, and this is not in any way a sure thing, Tizzy Lockman.