What Are You Seeing Out There?

Filed in Delaware by on November 3, 2020

Headed out for an early morning shift as a greeter for Kyle Evans Gay.

What are you seeing at your polling places and elsewhere?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Long lines of people waiting for polls to open in the 8th & 9th per Liberalgeek.

  2. Headball says:

    50 people in line at my polling location.

  3. jason330 says:

    Unprecedented line at Aldersgate on 202 per DelawareDem.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Springer Middle school on Shipley Road has over 200 people in line already per Donviti.

  5. puck says:

    Who else has an unopened bottle of champagne from 2016?

  6. The old prospector says:

    Over a hundred people in line at Lincoln Towers polling station in Trolley Square. Only one out of two machines working as of 8:30.

  7. RSE says:

    Long lines in Sussex at Shields and Cape.. People still in line who got there at 7:00 am. Thinning out as of last report.

  8. Jason330 says:

    In the primary and the midterm – both times I’ve voted on the new machines 50% have been out of service at my polling place. They are too easy for people to accidentally jam by feeding the wrong paper.

    this could be a very long day for everyone.

  9. puck says:

    Mrs. Puck voted at Linden Hill Elementary at 8am, one hour wait, parking tight, 3 machines all working. I’ll be voting there later today.

  10. Another Mike says:

    There was a short line at the River Club Apartments in Claymont around 9, but I was done within 10 minutes. I took the scenic route to work and saw longer-than-usual lines at Maple Lane Elementary, Brandywine Hundred Fire Company, Department of Labor building at 43rd and Market, Highlands Elementary and whatever the place is called across the street from Salesianum.

  11. GeoBumm says:

    Carrcroft Elem. school wait is currently about 1.25 hours (9:30 am), all in. Two Rump, one Cloutier, and one Gay greeters out front. Pretty quiet experience. Interesting voting machines.

  12. Jason330 says:

    More than 80k Delawareans have already voted in person this morning. Per NCC Dems

  13. In the 23rd RD (Newark, west and north), Main Towers and George Wilson and First Presbyterian had a line at 7am. Downes Elementary had a voter there by 5:40am, committed to be the first person to vote at Downes in this election. The wait time at Downes was over an hour for the first hour or two–VERY steady long lines there, across the front, and down the side of the building, reaching the playground in the back at the start of the morning.

    By 9:30, the line at First Presbyterian was short, and the line at George Wilson was shorter.

    It is notable that there are NO contested local elections in the 23rd RD (both Sen Sokola and I are unopposed in this election).

  14. Alby says:

    I’ve never had a line more than 3 people long at my polling place. I just stopped by and the line is 40 people long. I’ll go back this afternoon; no way I’m standing in line for an hour this early in the day.

  15. I just got done my greeting shift at Talley Middle School. The lines were nuts. Taking about two hours for people to vote. Three machines. One, of course, was down the entire time I was there. Voters didn’t seem to mind, they were in a celebratory mood.

    One of the voters who cast her ballot the earliest brought back hot cocoa from Dunkin’ for the people in line. At least half the voters at Talley were Black Americans.

    Only Kyle and Cloutier had greeters there. At one point, some asshole from Cloutier’s campaign drives up to me in a big-ass SUV and (a) says I had to be 50 feet from the polls (I pointed to my feet, which were about a foot behind the 50 foot mark); (b) told me I couldn’t ‘work the line’ (which, of course, is what greeters do), and (c) told me I couldn’t give out cocoa (which I hadn’t done. Although I DID tell the people in line that a very nice voter had brought back some hot cocoa for them, and, if they wanted, it was available for them to pour for themselves). Dickwad.

    Cathy stopped by for about 15 minutes, spent about 10 minutes of it showing the greeters what they SHOULD have been doing all along, and then ‘worked the line’ for about 5 minutes.

    I’m pretty PO’d at the Department of Elections. The primary clearly wasn’t enough of a dry run for them.

  16. My wife and I just voted at the Arden Gild Hall. Typical easy in-and-out. We were done voting in less than 20 minutes. Rob Matera was greeting for Kyle, and both Larry Lambert and his R opponent had greeters. Per usual, Brooke Bovard presided over the entire soiree.

  17. Jason330 says:

    About 1.5 hours online at Crossroads in the 9th. Voted the ticket except for Bill Bell (unapposed). I wrote in Noam Chomsky.

  18. Paula says:

    about 11 am: Took a swing around Talleyville this morning (flu shot, bank, drug store) and saw lots of cars and people at Springer Middle School (like in the before-times for a play or graduation), the Unitarian Church where the BH library used to be (talk about before-times!), and Aldersgate near Fairfax. I voted absentee. I do miss the “announcing of the voter” ritual, where as you walk toward the voting machine, you hand the poll-worker your card and he (it’s always been a he these past 20 years) proclaims your name and intention to vote then draws back the curtain to the machine.

    • Another Mike says:

      I sure don’t miss that library. I remember doing work there when I was in grade school, having to dodge traffic while trying to walk to Arby’s for lunch. The one in Talley-Day Park is so much better. Maybe one day we’ll be allowed back in.

  19. Harold says:

    Lot of people in Cheswold, apparently https://delawarestatenews.net/news/turnout-booming-in-cheswold-as-candidates-greet-voters/

    (Anecdotally, turnout sure seems record-shattering.)

  20. mediawatch says:

    Noon-hour roundup in Brandywine Hundred:
    About 50 in line at First Unitarian Church, more than that at Aldersgate on 202. More than 100 waiting outside at Brandywine HS, and another 50 or so at Carrcroft. Parking lot nearly full but few voters outside at Concord Presbyterian and Lutheran Church of Good Shepherd. Fairly crowded lot at Mount Pleasant Elementary, but not much going on at Mount Pleasant HS and Brandywine Hundred Fire Company.
    Where there are lines, they’re longer than I’ve seen in the past, but social distancing is definitely a factor in crowd length.

  21. meatball says:

    You guys need no excuse mail in voting.

  22. Delawarelefty says:

    First time Sussex county voter….Mrs and I gladly waited 2 hours in line to vote in Milton. Helping to bring the blue wave south

  23. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    Practically no one at Del Tech in Dover at lunchtime. Said it was crowded earlier.

  24. puck says:

    Voted at Linden Hill Elementary, about 18-20 people ahead of me, 3 machines all working. I heard something I have never heard before in my voting experience – a poll worker called out “First Time Voter!” and got a round of cheers from the room. Everybody had masks on. There was one guy with a Trumpy-looking flag bandanna-mask, and a “Thin Red Line” patch on his shirt (for fire service). And there were a few seniors. The rest was an ordinary bunch, not identifiably partisan.

  25. EvolvDE says:

    I took a shift knocking doors in Chester County this afternoon. Ended up being assigned to the Nottingham area — given how spread out all the homes were I was only able to safely knock on maybe 40 doors in 3 hours. Anyone who answered had already voted and was cheerful, except the one Trump voter who told me I was wasting my time. While Trump signs outnumbered Biden, it wasn’t by much. It gave me hope that PA is easily within reach. On my drive up and back I passed 3-4 Delaware polling places — all whose parking lots were very packed with long lines.