Your All-Purpose DL DELAWARE Election Day Results Thread

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 3, 2020

Please limit this thread to comments and reports on the Delaware results only.

Although…I suspect that as people perhaps imbibe a little bit along with the election results, mistakes could happen.  No harm, no foul.

BTW, it took until well after 9 pm before we got any Delaware primary results in September.  When we got ’em, though, we got a lot of  ’em in a hurry.

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  1. WOW! The early vote is up at the Delaware Department of Elections, and it’s spectacular!

    Over 150,000 votes already. Of course, all the statewides are kicking butt.

    The competitive races:

    SD 5: Kyle Evans Gay-6502
    Cathy Cloutier-3468

    SD 7: Spiros Mantzavinos-3831
    Anthony Delcollo-1799

    SD 19: Jaci Hugg-4586
    Dave Lawson-2018

    RD 9: Debbie Harrington-3147
    Kevin Hensley-1896

    RD 21: Stephanie Barry-2601
    Michael Ramone-1613

    RD 22: Luann D’Agostino-2866
    Michael Smith-2878

    The early vote also sees some D rep. challengers leading in Kent County. I’ll keep an eye on them.

    That Jaci Hugg number is especially impressive. I predicted she’d win a cliffhanger, but this is looking very promising.

  2. Alby says:

    Absentee ballot results are in, and Mike Smith and LuAnn D’Agostino are just a handful of votes apart. Doesn’t augur well for D’Agostino

  3. a1 says:

    Where is the link to updated results?

  4. a1 says:


  5. jason330 says:

    538 election analyst: “I think we can eliminate the “Biden landslide” scenario”

  6. Annnd, now, the Delaware DOE site is posting all zeroes.

  7. Andrew C says:

    Hugg and Lawson are “now” neck and neck. He, like many of the local Republicans, is crushing her in the in-person vote.

    • Andrew C says:

      Five minutes later, he’s up eight hundred votes. Yeah, I don’t think this will be too competitive. Perhaps the very worst person in the state will likely keep his seat.

      • If I’m the Senate D’s, Lawson’s seat disappears in redistricting. They can send his district down south to Sussex, give the district the most RWNJ ED’s from Lawson’s district.

        Whatever the Senate does, and I think that this will be a much better group of D senators, they’d better not send another district down from NCC to Sussex.

  8. Kyle and Spiros still looking good. Stephanie Barry still has a lead, but that one might take awhile. Dave Lawson has taken the lead from Jaci Hugg, and Kevin Hensley now leads Debbie Harrington.

    Sanity, more or less, returns.

  9. jason330 says:

    I’m glad we are getting rid of Ramone, Delcollo, and Cloutier. The others would have been icing.

  10. Maybe the D’s should ditch this banking of early votes. At least to the extent that they tend to take their eyes off the ball on other campaign elements.

  11. J says:

    Why did Mike Smith win by so much?

  12. There was clearly a surge of Trump votes all over Delaware. He had more Delaware coattails than Biden. No way the Gay-Cloutier race was close…except for that Election Day surge. It cost Barry her race.

  13. Not a single D topped 60% statewide with Biden at the top of the ticket and, for the most part, uninspired opposition.

    • meatball says:

      Quite amazing, really.

      • jason330 says:

        And yet – there is no statewide DEGOP to speak of. 59/41 is still a blow out.

        290,000 (wish) vs 195,000 (ish) appears to be locked in. I only hope that Democrats recognize and get the most out of that baked in majority.

  14. This tidbit should demonstrate the strength of the Trump coattails. I had previously told you that, while campaigning for Kyle in Krista Griffith’s Rep. District, I saw LITERALLY no signs that her R opponent Jeff Cragg was even running a campaign.

    Yesterday, Cragg outpolled Griffith in same-day voting. Griffith, of course, had built up a strong early vote margin. You gotta give Trump voters some credit–when Der Fuhrer is on the ballot, they show up.

  15. harold williams says:

    Delaware now has a super dem majority California here we come

  16. Another Mike says:

    I do not partake, but I find it interesting that Montana, Arizona and South Dakota (!) all voted to legalize marijuana yesterday. Plus New Jersey, but that’s no surprise. Delaware has no mechanism to put such measures on the ballot, so we continue to fall behind these states. And with an ex-cop determining what gets a vote in our state house, that is not likely to change.