Your All-Purpose DL NATIONAL Election Results Thread

Filed in Featured, National by on November 3, 2020

This is your, yep, All-Purpose DL National Election Results Thread.

Don’t worry, we’ll have another thread for the Delaware results.

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  1. Looks like the D’s are underperforming in Miami Dade. Although there are some questions about the mail-in vote.

  2. Pretty clear, to me at least, that Trump is gonna win Florida.

  3. Early Ohio results are intriguing, Biden’s seriously outperforming Hillary.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Trump’s micro-targeting in Miami Dade paid off. That is worrisome, if they were able to do it in other places.

  5. Jason330 says:

    CBS reporting indépendant voters breaking hard for Biden.

  6. North Carolina is looking real good. Think Biden will win there, along with the D Senate challenger.

  7. Ohio, dare I say it, looking good for Biden. He’s currently outperforming Clinton by more than enough of a margin to win.

    He’s probably in better shape there than he is in NC.

  8. Jesus fucking Christ. Can’t Biden put away one fucking state where he was challenging Trump? This is driving me CRAZY.

  9. nathan arizona says:

    It was 9:40 when I started to think Biden would lose. Lots to come but I don’t like the trends. Might turn off the TV.

  10. Alby says:

    No matter who wins, it’s depressing that this many people would vote for Trump.

  11. I’ve said this before, but Arizona does look like it’ll flip.

  12. Andrew C says:

    A lot of Spanish-language misinformation campaigns have flipped Hispanic voters in Florida, Texas, and perhaps eliminated any chances at Georgia either. The toxic masculinity of the Trump campaign is absolutely attractive to Latino men, and since the Republicans kind of laid off the “Mexicans are rapists” stuff for the most part this year, Biden is brutally underperforming even Hilary Clinton with this ethnic group.

  13. jason330 says:

    James Carville just told me that Biden is going to win PA, Michigan and Wisconsin, so I’m hitting the hay.

  14. La somnambula says:

    There’s a group of voters no one ever talks about and we need to: indigenous people. What group in America has ever been more disenfranchised, had their rights trampled on time and again, there land and water rights stolen? Why should they vote? The short answer is it is incumbent on all of us who believe in inclusion to give them a reason . Yes, Mexican-Americans have come through for Biden, but so too, did the Navajo nation led by a young woman on horseback who inspired other tribes to do the same. Why don’t we reach out to her for grassroots organization and maybe have her run for office?

  15. Take a deep breath. From Talking Points Memo just a couple of minutes ago:

    “For the first time Joe Biden now has leads in states which add up to 270 electoral votes (including Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and Nevada). And outstanding votes suggest the margins in those states – while still very tight – are likely to grow. “