Delaware Liberal

Gaming Out The Delaware State Senate’s Leadership Contest

OK, kids, this should be fascinating.  According to Matt Bittle at the Delaware State News, the Senate Democrats are expected to choose their leadership team sometime this week.  There are 14 D senators.  We know that the ethically-bankrupt Nicole Poore wants to be Pro-Tem, and we know that the progressive members of the caucus want–someone else.  We don’t know who the someone else could be.  I’d like to see it be Dave Sokola, who is calm and respected, but word on the street is that he’s not inclined to seek the position. C’mon, Dave, step up!

So, let’s try to see which senators will be in which camp.  I have a better handle on the progressive side, and they will have a strong degree of unity. I think they are as follows:

Sarah McBride

Laura Sturgeon

Kyle Evans Gay

Dave Sokola

Marie Pinkney

Bryan Townsend

Spiros Mantzavinos (probable)

That’s, you got it, 7 out of 14.

On the side of Nicole (No Longer) Poore:

Darius Brown

Jack Walsh

Stephanie Hansen

Nicole Poore

Bruce Ennis

Trey Paradee.

On the fence:

Tizzy Lockman.

A caveat:  I’m more certain of those in the progressive camp than those in Poore’s camp. Who knows, maybe Darius will realize that he could (should) face a primary from a progressive and fall in line. First time for everything.  You would also think that Tizzy would be a ‘lock’ for the progressive side, but she has been less predictable than many of her supporters might have hoped.

I don’t think that the Thurman Adams ploy of threatening to take it to the floor where the Rethugs could participate is in play this time.  We no longer have that cadre of downstate D senators.

This is more than just an exercise.  The Senate leadership will determine whether, for example, the bills that Dave McBride and Nicole Poore buried stay buried.  The leadership will also determine whether progressive legislation will get a fair hearing this term.

I think that House leadership may remain the same, with someone taking the place of Larry Mitchell on the team.  The name of Melissa Minor-Brown has surfaced for that position.

What are any of you hearing?

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