DL Open Thread: Thursday, November 5, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 5, 2020

NYC Cops Do What NYC Cops Do.  Go after protesters. Fuck Mayor DiBlasio.  He’s done nothing to go after the criminals-in-blue.

US Covid Cases Top 100,000 For First Time.  Even if Biden wins, we presumably have to wait for his Inauguration to do anything about it.

Oregon Passes Sweeping Drug Decriminalization Bill:

Oregon will be the first state in the country to decriminalize the personal possession of all drugs, including heroin and cocaine. Oregonians passed Ballot Measure 110, also known as the Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative, with 59 percent of the vote; it’s the most far-reaching of numerous successful drug-related measures on ballots nationwide, including the legalization of recreational marijuana in New Jersey, Arizona, Montana, and South Dakota. Every one of these victories constitutes a long overdue challenge to the racist, carceral logic of drug criminalization. Oregonians have taken a historic step in recognizing that if a carceral approach to drug use is harmful, it is harmful regardless of the drug in question.

This is as good a time as any to ridicule Carney and the Cops for fighting the legalization of recreational marijuana in Delaware.  Consider them ridiculed. It’s so fucking pointless.

Guess Who Got The Government Contract To Build The Fortified Wall At The White House?  BTW, another $1 mill in taxpayers’ $$’s down the drain.

Cali Nixes Ending Cash Bail.  But not for the reason you might think.

Bill Barr Approves Armed Federal Agents In Ballot-Counting Centers.  You know, to stop ‘voter fraud’.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. GeoBumm says:

    Remember when gambling got legalized in DE and DE so easily Hoovered up the dollars from surrounding states (until our casino “partners” got on the gravy trains in those states as well). How long until DE sees the tax money rolling into NJ in cannabis sales and suddenly sees the light? BTW: I dropped my AAA membership and informed them that their interference and opposition to marijuana legalization in DE was the reason why. Hey shmucks, tow the dam car and keep your nose out of our societal affairs!

  2. bamboozer says:

    Yep, the clowns in Dover will wait until the cannabis revenue train has left the station, just like usual. A reminder of No State Cops in the legislature ever again. What were the idiots thinking?

    • Alby says:

      The cops want to be able to search vehicles because they smell marijuana, or so they claimed.

      Yet smoking while driving would still be illegal, so it would still be grounds for arrest. Meaning this excuse is bullshit.

  3. mediawatch says:

    They’re going to need the cannabis revenue after Maryland wraps up the details of legalizing sports betting.

  4. Alby says:

    The worst part of the blue wave that wasn’t: Democrats’ failure to flip any statehouses in advance of the post-census redistricting.


    • I’m telling you–there was a Trump wave on Election Day.

      Kyle Evans Gay and Spiros barely withstood it despite building up huge early vote leads. Sometimes, you’re not the master of your own fate.

      • Andrew C says:

        It’s true.

        All the Karens at work were talking about how much fun it was to vote with like 75% Trump supporters on Tuesday. It was like a party for them. And it nearly was enough surge to make some serious damage.

  5. Guess who got busted for posting racist and misogynistic rants on a police social media site:


  6. meatball says:

    I think the clear message from Tuesday is that the US as we have known it is fucked…..Ben was right.