Next Generation of Progressive Leadership Takes Over DE Senate

Filed in National by on November 6, 2020

Delaware Senate Democrats selected new leadership ahead of the 151st General Assembly.
The 14-member Majority Caucus chose Sen. Dave Sokola as President Pro Tempore, Sen. Bryan Townsend as Senate Majority Leader and Sen. Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman as Senate Majority Whip.
The new legislative session will begin on January 12, 2021.

Nobody needs Democrats who actively frustrate the expressed will of the voters. When voters elect Democrats, they expect progress, not excuses.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. YesyesYES!!!!

    Elections matter. Some more than others

  2. Harold says:

    Matt Bitle’s take here:

    Looks like Poore was the main contender (no surprise there, of course)

  3. Elections didn’t matter in the House. The three cops lovers were all reelected to their posts. Don’t look for police reform to be very reform-heavy there.

  4. jason330 says:

    Love this no-nonsense statement from Sokola:

    “The size and record-setting diversity of our caucus reflects the values of our communities and their growing demand for racial justice, higher wages, better schools for our children, common-sense gun reforms and greater access to affordable health care.”

  5. Delguy65 says:

    Eradicate poore with a progressive in 2022 and we are really cooking.

    • Keep in mind that all of the district lines will be redrawn for 2022. The leadership is not gonna screw Poore, but there will be changes to her lines, and I don’t expect her to be able to dictate what those changes are.

  6. Jason330 says:

    I hope they fuck Ramone with the redistricting.

    Petty, I know but elections have consequences.