Joe Biden Declared President-Elect!!

Filed in Featured, National by on November 7, 2020

NBC just called Pennsylvania for Biden, and has declared him President-Elect.

Our long national nightmare is almost over.

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  1. So have the AP, CNN, and BBC.

    I betcha there are thousands of cars headed down to the Wilmington Riverfront right now.

    I’m feeling–joy.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Cool, now for the final flush and the fumigation of the White House. Still hoping for a Trump perp walk.

  3. My wife and her sister are headed down to the Riverfront right now.

  4. Nevada declared for Biden.

  5. What a great speech by Kamala Harris! Inspirational.

  6. puck says:

    Coons on CBS after Biden’s speech (on Secretary of State): “If i got that opportunity it would be the honor of a lifetime.”