DL Open Thread: Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 10, 2020

Georgia Senators Demand Resignation Of Georgia SOS.  Why? Because the Republican official didn’t cheat to throw Georgia to them and Trump.

Supreme Court To Consider Obamacare Today.  Do they kill it, or just screw it up even more?

Trump Removes Scientist In Charge Of Climate Reports. UD climate-denier David LeGates waits in the wings.

Private Prison Companies Freak Out Over Biden Win.  Biden has pledged to end the government’s use of these companies.

Schadenfraude, Anti-Gay Reverend Edition.  One less Trump voter.

Barr Authorizes Fishing Expedition For Election Fraud.  Chief DOJ enforcement officer resigns as a result.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Well…So much for Biden’s assumption that Senate Republicans would snap out of the Trump trance if he won. If he doesn’t get on a war footing, we’re screwed.

  2. puck says:

    The thing a Republican senator fears most is a primary challenge from the right. Lauren Witzke would won in a lot of red states.

  3. John Kowalko says:

    I imagine WDEL carnival barker Rick Jensen and his lawn-cutter sidekick Randy will be doing an extensive show and interview with that charlatan, Legates, any moment now. Actual scientists and their legitimate conclusions are resisted and denied while the lunatic fringe is given credibility for their conspiracies by the enthusiastic promotion of falsehoods and harmful erroneous information circulation. WDEL should police the airway pollution antics of hosts like Jensen and commit to a responsible airing of facts or remove such propagandist spewing of lies from its schedule. Legates was, is and will always be an uninformed and unqualified shill for the fossil-fuel industry and the Koch dynasty of planet and people murderers.
    Representative John Kowalko

  4. Alby says:

    So much for getting a Biden-friendly Senate should Democrats win both Georgia runoffs. Sen. Joe Manchin pledged on Fox News that he’ll vote like a Republican.


  5. Alby says:

    So much for getting a Biden-friendly Senate should Democrats win both Georgia runoffs. Sen. Joe Manchin pledged on Fox News that he’ll vote like a Republican.


  6. bamboozer says:

    Hell has yet to be paid, but it will. At some point pugnacious stupidity and endless lawyer games or not Trump will be gone, it is inevitable. As for Barr and many others predict they’ll run for cover and not be seen again anytime soon. As for the hated “private prisons” suggest they find something else to do as their “industry” is going to be extinguished, this sick game never should have been allowed.

  7. Hop-Frog says:

    To lighten my mood, I’ve been following the delightful continuing saga of Four Seasons Total Landscaping:
